1950-Word Essay Examples. Page 3

1,639 samples

Greater and Lesser Jihad

The importance of jihad stems from the Quran's instructions to the believers of Islam to struggle for the way of God and the example set by Prophet Muhammad and his followers.

Religion as the Cause of Wars

In fact, it is common for husbands and wives to fight on the religion that the family should adopt. Each of these individuals has the hope that everyone will eventually see the righteousness in the [...]

Loly Bakery Business Plan

This direct contact with the customers is aimed by the business to avail the products at the convenience of the customers as well as satiate the objective of offering quality products at the economic level [...]

Artistic Activism and Tactics

3 The outbreak of violent protests in the capital city of France in mid-1968 was because of the Student dissatisfaction at the Sorbonne University and the University of Paris. 9 Accordingly, the right to the [...]

Labor and Work Importance in the Global Economy

The U.S.labor unions, businesses, and governments can learn a lot about industrial relations practices in the UK. There are numerous lessons that the labor unions and other business sectors in the U.S.can learn from this [...]

Women in New France Lifestyle Options

However, since women were fewer in New France, women especially nun were vital individuals in the education of the locals and other migrants and hence were more involved in community activities that in France since [...]

The Asian American Ethnic Enclave

The experiences of people living in ethnic enclaves have long attracted the attention of many scholars, journalists and writers because they want to understand how these communities are formed, and how the residents of these [...]

Asian Cultural Identity: Interview

It will explore the individual's definition of cultural identity, his family origin, most important cultural values, factors that contributed towards the development of cultural identity, and the interaction between the self and cultural identity.

English as a Lingua Franca

Accepted voluntarily as a language of communication in the field of science, commerce, and other areas, the English language as a lingua franca focused on the poor quality of performance, the distortion of norms under [...]

Barbie Doll’s History and Controversies

Barbie is a worldwide famous fashion doll, which has become a cultural icon during her half a century history.'Barbie may be the most potent icon of American popular culture in the late twentieth century' says [...]

Arsonists and Types of Motives

The elements of proof for arson include motive, evidence of ownership, malicious intent, and presence of fire. The elements necessary to prove arson include malicious conduct, presence of fire, and ownership of property.

The American Movie Industry Since 1949

This drastic switch was brought by the change to the studio system and the rise of television, Doherty says: "Since the 1950s, moviemakers have been forced to narrow their focus and attract the one group [...]

Financial Crisis of 2008

Economics specialists have argued that the global financial crisis of 2008 was caused by a combination of factors, including the abundance of cheap credits in the macroeconomic environment as well as counterproductive decision-making in governments [...]