2000 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

2,081 samples

Medicine in Ancient Rome

This was after the evolution of the use of herbs as poisons that were used to kill people. Herbal knowledge in the region revolved around the army quite a bit and the soldiers gained from [...]

Cezanne’s Sense of Color

The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of Cezanne's paintings with an aim of describing his sense of color in painting.

Fashion and Appearance

This type of pop culture and mode of dressing basically compliments and deeply expresses the attitudes of the people and their form of musical conduct.

The Picture of Arabic Feminist

Najir's father's taking of her sexually excludes her from chances at a marriage of her own, because she is deprived of her virginity, and exposes the young woman to the risk of a pregnancy which [...]

Senior Leadership Team and Its Characteristics

The following essay thus explains more about a senior leadership team and in particular the characteristics of a senior leadership team, the structures, cultures and processes that promotes an effective senior leadership team and the [...]

Facilities Management & Design

Some of the changes that will take place in regards to this area will include communication between the administration and the different departments, the communication between the various departments in the hotel and the clients, [...]

A matter of cost cutting measures

These executives include the chief executive officer of the organisation who is also the president of the company; the chief human resource manager of the company and the chief financial officer.

Handout for Training Session

By understanding the social background of each and every student in the class, the teaching professional will be able to handle the members of the class effectively.

Decision Making

The third stage is to develop alternatives, which seeks to generate potential optional answers to react to the requirements of the condition and give feedback on the basic reasons.

Project Hope International

The organization's strategy in imparting knowledge among the young people of the community is mainly based on the principle that, the younger a person is introduced to information technology, the higher the chances of using [...]

R&B and Hip-Hop Effect Western Music

The music that Michael Jackson released was not based on gender but was based on truth and hope to the people and this gave him a lot of influence in the community reason being that [...]

What kind of Canada did the stores help to create?

The book, 'Retail Nation: Department Stores and the Making of Modern Canada' retrospectively views the transformation of Canada from the era during which time monopolized department stores such as Eaton's committed themselves to strengthening the [...]

Marketing Plan for an Elderly Home

Kin's mission is to develop its capacity to offer quality and patient-focused services that will enable it to become a market leader in assisted home care for the elderly in Kings County.

Collaboration Technology and Innovation

Apart from the chemical and scientific achievements, the automotive industry has also adopted state-of-the-art infotainment systems that are likely to bring customers to the edge of modern technologies in communication and entertainment.

Genetically Modified Foods Projects

The plan should be formed once the project's participants have been chosen and it should be communicated to the members and should continuously be used as a reminder of the mission of the project when [...]

Franchising in Kazakhstan

While at that, the paper explores the true meaning of franchising, legal dynamics of franchising especially in Kazakhstan, a critical assessment of franchising in the country with reference to competition both foreign and domestic, as [...]

The Traditional and Modern Myths

The Biblical conceptualizations of the origin of man provide an excellent form of a myth in the antiquity while the relatively new myth of the Superman offers the best illustration of a myth in the [...]

Personality, Emotions and Leadership

The ability to identify and manage emotions can be boosted and it is therefore possible to be more emotionally intelligent and since birds of a feather flock together, there is the need to ensure that [...]

Bantu Education in South Africa

The provision of social solidarity and value consensus is the strongest of the functional contributions that education makes to the society. In this structural functionalist perspective, the education system was detrimental to the social and [...]

Leadership and Influence

Focus on leaders' and ignorance of followers, however, does not contribute to the development of efficient management environment because the influence and interaction stand at the core of the relationship.

The Korean March First Movement

The organizers of the March First Movement therefore sought to take advantage of the presence of a multitude of people in Seoul to witness their declaration of independence.

Torture in China: Then and Now

As a result world leaders, especially those working in conjunction with the United Nations, decided to initiate a convention against torture and their rationale for doing so was stated as follows: "Considering that, in accordance [...]

Big Business in America

It was this era of commerce that saw the birth of the term progressive history Unknown to many this would form one of the most politically influential concept and idea in the history of business [...]

Supernova Stars

When the white dwarf starts accumulating in mass as a result of binary companion, the core of the white dwarf reaches the temperature that is just enough to facilitate carbon fusion.

Designing a Just Socio-Economic System

This theory is based on the fact that the collective welfare of the people overrides the individual's right and as such, the theory advocates the maximization of happiness for the greatest number of people.

Is Bruce a Competent Manager?

Considering the fact that the manager is tasked with marshalling the organizations' resources to accomplish some goals, it is the role of the manager to ensure that the employees have a high degree of motivation [...]

Women in management

Women present fear, particularly when the people they are conversing with are in higher positions and appear powerful than them, and men use this weakness to make sure that women are not in control of [...]

Ethics of Death Penalty

One of the strongest arguments that support the death penalty is that it satisfies the need for retribution. The death penalty is a violation of the most basic right the right to life.

Aggression Studies in Modern World

In general, this approach was instrumental in the discovery of subtypes of aggressive behaviors such as physical aggression, verbal aggression, nonverbal aggression, and relational aggression. Global warming and exposure to a violent media are also [...]