2500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 8

1,523 samples

Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

The checklist is also meant to help the company to effectively service the requirements of the target market. In other words, target market is the group of individuals and businesses that are targeted for sales [...]

GASCO Operation Management

The operational management had to be focused on cutting the cost, improving effectiveness of the entire system, and shortening the time taken in the production and delivery of the products to the customers.

Role of Organizational Culture

The cultural dimensions that were adopted by Detert, Schroeder and Mauriel were the usage and essence of "truth and rationality" in the organization, the importance of time placed by the employees and the top management, [...]

Power Relations in the Oil Supply Chain

The power held by the actors has the capacity of influencing the degree of relationship commitment within the supply chain. It is estimated that the NOCs control world oil reserves, and thus they have the [...]

Change Management Plan

Proposed change In the 12-month program, the proposed change is to introduce total quality management principles and tools in the management of Saudi Arabian education institutions taking place under the Ministry of Education.

Developing Professional Practice

According to Moon reflection is a simple mental activity which remembers the past incidence and analysis the reasoning behind the happenings of those events based on the above stated definition, it important to ponder upon [...]

Jeff Bowling at the Delta Companies

When the company incurred some debt between 2006 and 2008, Jeff whom at the time was Delta's CEO believed that it was premature to call the business a success since they have not proven the [...]

Social Analysis of Magda

Before the beginning of the therapy, a social worker must operate within the law of the UK with regard to anti-discriminatory, anti-oppressive practices, and observe the HCPC standards on performance, conduct, and ethics and best [...]

The City of God

But despite the fact that the changes came very soon and caught people unawares, the bravest summoned up their courage and found the spirits to struggle against the invasion of the barbarians, their hope nestling [...]

Emiratisation Marketing Campaign

Thus, the main objective of the campaign will be to create awareness about the capabilities of Emirati employees. The budget and timeline for the campaign will be presented in the last part of the report.

Deakin University’s Market Research

Thus, the chief purpose of this research is to provide information on the effectiveness of the new campaigns in shifting the attitude of both potential and existing students of the Deakin University to the Deakin [...]

Libya Civil War Since 2011 Until Today

Following the ouster of the Tunisian and Egyptian presidents, Libya reported small political revolts in some parts of the country. However, experts believe that France was at the forefront in demanding a forceful intervention of [...]

Affirmative Action Policy Pros and Cons

Women and ethnic minority groups are subjects of discrimination and exclusion especially in the labor and education sectors. The introduction of affirmative action abolished this lack of access to education and gave minority groups an [...]

An analysis of Waterstones

Due to the government regulations in the UK, there is an increase in taxation, which negatively affects the returns in the Waterstone Books The strategy used by the Waterstone Bookseller is that of supply structure [...]