350 Word Essay Topics & Examples. Page 3

3,266 samples

Disgust Behaviors in Men and Women

Building on the evidence discussed in these studies, and focusing on the protective function of expressing emotions, the given research project will aim to explore the differences in female and male expressions of disgust.

Mountains Characteristics

The smallest mountains are below one thousand kilometers, the medium mountains have a relative height of one or 2 kilometers and up to 3, and there are the highest mountains which are greater than 2 [...]

Can a Person Choose to Be Happy?

The first reason why people can choose to be happy is that even in sad circumstances, they can remember positive experiences and improve their mood. Despite the circumstances, it is possible to remain happy when [...]

Roman Civilization’ Analysis

This paper will describe the Roman civilization, some important moments in its history, and how it interacted with Islamic civilization. Some of the most important parts of Roman history are related to the changes in [...]

Sustainable Fashion: Approach Evaluation

According to Niinimaki, in the fashion industry, there is a special algorithm that determines the nature of interaction with the target audience to maintain stable sales and satisfy customer interest.