550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 133

18,509 samples

Controversial Question About Abortion

With respect to the arguments proposed by the pro-life group, it seems that the act of abortion is absolutely unacceptable, irrespective of whether or not the life of the mother is in danger.

Limestone Mineral in Tuynhuys Building

The interior of the building was fabricated with limestone blocks from this island in the Atlantic Ocean. The limestone used in the interior finishing of the Tuynhuys building came from the Tristan da Cunha Island.

The Phenomenon of War Poetry

In addition, the very concept of war poetry does not presuppose that war should be glorified; quite on the contrary, in such poems, war is often represented as an ugly and disgusting phenomenon, the nightmare [...]

The Right to Possess Firearms

The right to own firearms is one of the fundamental human rights entrenched in the American Constitution. Additionally, the right to own firearms facilitates the implementation of the right to life.

Color Cycling and Fashion Industry

The most interesting and significant element employed by fashion artists, designers and photographers of 1946 1948 and 1952 1954 is that the photographs with generally light and homogenous compositions of pastel colors always have bright [...]

Creating Business Agility

The anticipation of changes in demand and the apprehension of business opportunities call for a certain degree of business agility that allows the business to achieve an advantage within the market.

A Monopoly Market Player: Apple

A monopoly market player is a firm, which is the only one existent in a market. The right to own an intellectual property is a result of hard labor and investment in creating it.

Kyoto Protocol and China’s Position

Besides, China supports the principle of the sustainable development which emphasizes the pursuit of the beneficial outcomes for both the present and the future generations by means of the promotion of the green lifestyle all [...]

Drug Testing in the US Army

Despite numerous ethical controversies, drug testing is essential for the lives and wellbeing of U.S.soldiers and those working in the United States Army. From the viewpoint of deontology, drug abuse is a direct violation of [...]

AT&T to Take Control of Leap

The move aims to maximize the telecommunication's company dominance over the airwaves. The company is hopeful, stating the odds are good and the regulators will let the deal materialize.

Sustainable Development: The Banking Sector

Financial regulators need to establish strong codes of conduct to ensure banks comply with social and environmental regulations. Banks need to include environmental and social compliance in the loan application criteria, before giving out credit [...]

Blind Faith vs. the Rational Approach

However, the novelty of the approach wears off quickly, since the only original idea of the presuppositional apologetics is that Christian religion is the only rational explanation for everything that happens in the world.

Myths About the Brain Functionality

The brain is one of the most fascinating organs of the human body. In conclusion, the beliefs about ten percent of our brain left and right-brained people or other similar statements are pure myths that [...]

Eating Insects Advantages

The author of the article explores the advantages of the addition of insect-based products into the diet of contemporary Americans. In conclusion, I chose this article because the subject of using insects and food source [...]

Photography as a Career

It is of essence to note that a number of variations exist in the field of photography, for example, self-employment and commercial photographing are just some of the ways one can successfully earn a living [...]

A Nurse Overcoming Challenging Situation

Regarding my individual practice, I happened to experience a situation that influenced my further professional priorities significantly and, in many respects, determined the nature of my attitude to emerging problems and the worldview in general.