650-Word Essay Examples. Page 14

4,780 samples

Deconstructing Universal Sisterhood

The issue of differences in women's and men's work is another shortcoming to universal sisterhood showed by western feminist scholars. It is seen also on writings of western feminist that women are minors," oppressed" and [...]

Effective Negotiation of a Contract

Under the preparation process, a negotiator, who is the supervisor of the whole activity, takes into consideration the starting point of planning, source of information, time management planning and essential sources of power. The acquisition [...]

Reasons for Outsourcing in Business

All in all, the main advantages of outsourcing are cost-effectiveness, better management of human resources, and the ability to prioritize. All in all, as a conscious business decision, outsourcing is one of the ways to [...]

Aerobics as Life-Long an Activity

Observing the examples of adherence to lifelong activities will help us not only to better illustrate the benefits of such lifestyle, but also to outline the main difficulties and their solutions, and inform our future [...]

Marketing Principles and Practice

While brand recognition and ad campaign carry over from the male grooming products' attributes, taste is one of the major parts of what defines a drink and distinguishes it from its competitors, and nutritional value [...]

Intro to Sociology: Poverty

It is challenging to pinpoint the actual and not mythological reasons for the presence of poverty in America. The former can be summed up as a "culture of poverty", which suggests that the poor see [...]

Cicero’s View of the Ideal Orator

The theory is necessary, but according to Cicero, the oratorical practice is placed in the foundation of the theory: "Thus eloquence is not the offspring of the art, but the art of eloquence ".

CIO Role in Organisations

Dynamic refers to the ability of fast responding to the external and internal threats and opportunities of the business environment. The ability of information to contribute to the improvement of the business structure and environment [...]

Festive Food in Chinese-Vietnamese Fests by Nir Avieli

Introduction In this article, Nir Avieli from the National University of Singapore discusses how traditional and ethnic food are tied to ethnic identity. The author provides deep insight on Chinese and Vietnamese festivals and the ethnic context of dishes served at the feasts. He also points out the greater influence of Chinese culture and the […]

Borromeo String Quartet’s Masterclass

Tong stated that to achieve the sound balance, more attention should be paid to the subito piano because of the necessity to accentuate the dynamics of the movement and intensity of the played octaves.

Validity in Quantitative Research

According to L rd Dissertation Guide, threats to the external validity of research are "any factors within a study that reduce the generalisability of the results", and threats to internal validity "are things that make [...]

KIA Motors: Strategic Management

Considering the Porter's Diamond of National Advantage, the paper aims to analyze KIA Motors and its activities on the European market, evaluating the company's efforts on the international market, and the influence of the four [...]

Printed and Electronic Books Comparison

The industrial communication system is the highest point of the book culture development, but already at its peak, signs of its dilution are visible, for example, impersonal mass communication, opposition information and documentary activities, and [...]

Nikki S. Lee and Photography

Considered to be one of a kind, the unique nature of this exhibition placed her in the limelight. In 'The Seniors Project', Lee managed to transform herself to fit the image of an old woman [...]

Political Risk Management in Foreign Trade

Political risks in foreign trade refers to factors that are politically instigated by governments of various trading nations that hinder trading, affect running of business or make investing in these countries difficult or risky.