750 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 14

1,651 samples

The Postsecondary System Critique

The operational definition of the study involves an evaluation of students' levels of classes taken in secondary school, the FCAT scores, CPT scores, and their successful performance in postsecondary level in terms of getting an [...]

Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice

If one is to discuss the issue with the senior management of the organization in which the crime occurred, there is a high chance that the issue will not be taken as seriously due to [...]

The Obstetrical Nursing Practice

As Fonseca et al.contend, one of the essential notions in natal and prenatal education is the emerging theme of 'humanizing birth.' This notion entails bringing the empathic dimension to the challenges that patients may experience [...]

Homeland Security Issues

The new information-sharing models provide the opportunity for the provision of culture-based intelligence, which utilizes information from the community-wide enterprises. This ensures secure sharing of vital and confidential information amongst the government's intelligence partners.

Sociology of Emile Durkheim

Durkheim also argued that lack of regulation in the society was another major cause of suicide in the society. One of the major causes of suicide according to Durkheim is lack of integration in the [...]

Public School vs Private School

This essay critically compares the differences and similarities, advantages and disadvantages and the issues that a rise in both private and public schools that affects the education of the children mainly preschool kids the its [...]

Transmission vs. Ritual Communication

In addition, a contrast to the transmission view of communication, in the ritual communication model, "communication is linked to terms such as 'sharing,' 'participation,' 'association,' 'fellowship,' and the 'possession of a common faith1 When it [...]