850-Word Essay Examples. Page 16

6,878 samples

Ethical Issues of Biofuels

The ethical concerns surround the usage of food materials in the production of fossil fuels in the face of the starving populations in various parts of the world and the destruction of the environment through [...]

The Best Scenes in the Movies

I believe that the best scene in the movie is the part where Travis confronts the pimp, the gangster and the bouncer in the brothel, shoots them, attempts to commit suicide, yet finds out that [...]

Mass Media Law’s Analysis

Indeed, the existing regulations show that the specified action is defined as flag desecration can be interpreted as an affront of the citizen of the United States, as well as the disdain for the law.

Impressionist Art for Company Offices

He managed to capture and convey the atmosphere that prevailed at that unique moment in the image of the Japanese bridge and the pond: a static picture seems alive and breathing, the foliage and water [...]

Various Forms of Writing

I found the explanation of a concept of research paper to be the most difficult of all assignments in this semester; however, I strongly feel that despite the difficulty, I delivered a thorough research paper.

Astronomical Research: Discovering New Planets

The process of confirmation was performed by applying the statistical analysis of the Kepler space telescope's planet candidate catalog, using the data obtained by the Kepler Observatory, a spacecraft on the Earth's orbit intended for [...]

The First Officer at Crime Scene

One should perfectly realize the fact that the crime scene investigation is an extremely important and, at the same time, complex process that determines the success of the whole case and contributes to the improved [...]

Ethics in the Modern World

Regarding the increased topicality of such issues as tolerance, democracy, and multiculturalism in the modern world, ethics becomes one of the crucial aspects that should be considered in decision making. That is why ethical factors [...]

International Banking System

While domestic banks perform the financial operations in the national currency, the majority of international banks borrow and lend in the Eurocurrency market, which consists of deposits situated in banks that are foreign to the [...]

Anti Slavery and Abolitionism

Both gradual emancipation and conditional emancipation were not allowed, but free blacks from the North and evangelicals revealed their opposition in the form of the movement that required the development of social reform.