850-Word Essay Examples. Page 37

6,073 samples

Ancient Chinese Inventions History

In this article, I highlight some of the inventions and contributions and examine four that I consider to be outstanding. A sample of these inventions and contributions include "silk, tea, porcelain, paper, printing, gunpowder, the [...]

Understanding Teen Depression

Impacts of depression on teenagers Depression is characterized by several effects; however, most of them impact negatively to the teens. For instance, a considerable percentage of teens use extra-curriculum activities such as sports and games, [...]

The Story of American Freedom

The unique nature of the United States traces its history to the formation of political institutions between 1776 and 1789, the American Revolution between 1776 and 1783 and the declaration of independence in 1776. Additionally, [...]

Meaning of History

The main idea of the paper is to consider different points of view and various attitudes to the history meaning. Greek approach is one of the perspectives of the history.

Personal and Professional Ethics Analysis

The researchers, Osmo and Landau, sought to examine the relationship between the prevailing ethical theories, the existing ethical dilemmas, and the increase in ethical issues, the idea of ethical decision-making, and the existing problems in [...]

Equal Pay for Women

In 1963, the Federal Government of the United States enacted the Equal Pay Act that effectively illegalized payment of different salaries to men and women for similar work on jobs that need similar qualification, effort, [...]

Annual Bonus Schemes and Earnings Manipulation

The most common assumption among the researchers of the accounting decision-making and incentives of the earnings management is that the approaches used by the managers involved in the earnings manipulation differ depending on the impression [...]

High Performance Team and Its Evaluation Criteria

Chong provides a number of these characteristics, which can be synthesized as follows: effective communication among team members, and between team members and the leader; effective distribution of time and tasks; the commitment of managers, [...]