900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 4

4,255 samples

E-medicine and Communication

Among the goals of videoconferencing is supplementing face to face interaction between the respective audiences and the medical professionals. From the review of e-medicine, it is evident that technological innovation has played a major role [...]

Legal and Illegal Tax Shelters

In this arrangement the shareholders are recompensed in two ways; the first one is the almost immediate tax savings while the other one is the probable huge returns in the case that the firm discovers [...]

Poverty in India and China

India's slow rate of poverty reduction compared to China is due to the differences in their approach to the economy. Improving the living conditions and general well being of the people is not only the [...]

The Atlantic Slave Trade

The author criticizes the historiography of the Dutch participation in the transatlantic slave trade by pointing out that the participation of the Dutch in this trade was not given the attention that it deserved.

Value Innovation Strategy

If then this is so about innovation, the concept of value innovation will imply the improvement of the organization efficiency. In achieving the above, an organization will then need to align itself with the core [...]

History of Linux

In fact, the people who first developed major components of the Linux operating system: Linus Torvalds who developed the kernel, and Richard Stallman who had developed utilities and programs that were used in Linux, shared [...]

Family Supper and Naema

The means of narration within the story is one where the author attempts to convey to the reader the feelings of grief and despair felt by the unnamed narrator through a depiction of the events [...]

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

According to Elie, this state is also convenient for resolving one's problems because one can rely on the collective help of others in the society in which he or she resides or of the God, [...]

Backlash against Globalization

A considerable faction of the world population support the idea of globalization, while an even larger faction is against the idea based on the effects that globalization has hitherto had on the world.

Readability in Publications

Vocabulary level refers to the technicality of the words used in the document, whereby, longer and jargoned words belong to the category of words regarded to be most difficult compared to simple ones.

Management Style of Jeffrey Immelt

For Immelt integration of departments and the institution of cost saving measures were just the beginning of the changes that he wanted to implement, of particular interest is his move to divest GE of companies [...]

Great Lakes: Great Decisions

When taking such views into consideration it can be seen that the best avenue of approach that the company can pursue is one where it takes into consideration the social and environmental impact of its [...]

Marketing Plan For an Innovative New Product

When launching the "cyclone" brand, the target market constitutes a group of people who will be interested in buying the product. Lastly, in identifying the right target market for "cyclone", the psychographic characteristics of the [...]

Survey Design & Questionnaire Development

Satisfaction with educational experiences will form the dependent variable, whereas gender of students, age and study mode will form the independent variables; hence, the conceptual model for the research study is as follows: Conceptual definition [...]

Marketing Plan for a Sports Drink

In order to design effective marketing strategies or plan for the above product, it is crucial to take into account the desired company's goals, available resources and capacity of the firm to meet the demand [...]

Drug and Polygraph Testing

In return, their loyalty and commitment to the organization decreases leading to such employees cutting down on the level of their commitment to organizational goals.

Shoe Corporation of Illinois

The major problem is the management leadership style and the decision making process which fails to advocate for use of technology, lack of horizontal management style in the structure, failure to meet the emerging needs [...]


It has been crucial in terms of enhancing techniques of the methodology that are utilized in the processes used in studies carried out in issues concerned with public health, as well as, offering solutions to [...]

Sampling Methods and Statistics

Sampling may be defined as the process of selecting an appropriate representation of a population for the purpose of attaining information regarding the overall population.

Organizational DNA Analysis

Moreover, due to the spontaneous growth of the organization that took a snowball design, it experienced a challenge in supplying its products to the target consumers.

Social and Ethnic Diversity in the Movies

The racial profiling, the corresponding racial stereotypes in the representatives of both majority and minority ethnic groups had a significant impact upon the formation of life views and social perspectives of the characters of the [...]

What is a Reward Strategy?

A performance based reward strategy can be defined as a method of compensating an employee for services rendered based on a measurable set of defined metrics that a company has set on employee performance that [...]

Equal Opportunity and the Law

Consequently, this paper intends to analyze the linkage between the prerequisite for having equal opportunities for employees within organizations to the assumed accrued benefits.

Price and Quality Perception Relationship

It is evident that the presence of other quality inferences such as product information reduces the extent to which the price influences the quality perceptions of consumers. Advertising is an important inference that consumers utilize [...]

Information System Briefing

The importance of steering committee is necessary as James, asserts the project committee helps in assessing the needs, i.e, why a new information system is needed in the organization, identify the proposed system requirements, and [...]

Western Civilization Development

Rome and Greece made essential assistance to the civilization of the western world which evolved over the centuries. Although the classical culture of Greece was fundamental in the creation of western civilization, it made no [...]

Military Professional Ethics

This is where ethical decision-making must be applied to be fair to the nation and my friend. In conclusion, one has to stress that the military is expected to act in a good and ethical [...]

TOMS Company Operating

The establishment of TOMS and the subsequent deployment of the One for One initiative continue to play a great role in the expansion of the company, besides making the company able to fulfill its philanthropic [...]

General Electric Company Growth Strategy

In other words, Immelt needed to find ways of increasing performance according to the stakeholder's expectations. In an effort to help in the crisis, the firm's donations ranged from financial assistances to medical equipment.