15 Page Essay & Research Paper Examples. Page 6

989 samples

Causes of Pork Prices Increase in China

Detailed graphs will make it possible to compare the indicators of different years and prove the thesis that in 2019, the cost of pork in the country increased due to specific factors, including the disease [...]

Learning, Training and Development at Unilever

A 2018 report has shown that Unilever In addition, the report proves that the organization has been addressing the needs of its direct and indirect stakeholders; particularly, the consistent compliance with sustainability standards as the [...]

Under Armour: Company Analysis

The economic and sociocultural aspects of the industry are of the highest significance to a company. The environmental aspect is also generally not substantial due to the public's disinterest and the generally low pollution of [...]

Business Plan: Oloibon Eateries

The plain is a famous world-renowned tourist destination that receives a lot of visitors from the outside world who come to experience the safari climb the nearby Mt, Kilimanjaro or view the eighth wonder of [...]

Migrant Acculturation and Adaptation

The study of acculturation is a very interesting affair; it is about considering ethics identity, the actual extent of acculturation, and changes due to time. Secondly, one is also faced with the problem of struggling [...]

Western North Carolina History

It has a number of the best document collections in the nation particularly that of the Southern Historical Collection in the University of North Carolina Library at Chapel Hill, the Flowers Collection of Southern historical [...]

The Concept of Feminist Epistemology

The analysis starts with an overview of the evolutions process of standpoint epistemology; then, the philosophical movement is defined and the major ideas and arguments embedded into the theory are discussed.

Problems of Hospitality Industry

Therefore HR is discussed in the context of tourism and hospitality along with the frames of reference on employment relations, rules of employment, and power relationships to HI, workers, and customers.

New Accounting Rules Don’t Add Up

On the International Financial Reporting Standard number two, that is IFRS Two, there was a first announcement or the first issuance in the year two thousand and four with effective dates given as from or [...]

Novels by Lessing and Schiller Comparison

Emilia Galotti is the central figure of the play with her parents Odoardo and Claudia. Emilia is the daughter of a respectable bourgeois officer Odoardo and has caught the eye of the womanizing Prince Gonzaga.

Risk Management in Business Organisations

Risk assessment and risk Management are very important area of business organisation to reduce the uncertainty of risk. Risk management is a process that involves identifying, analysing, evaluating and treating of risk in an organization.

Prominent Post-Structuralist Philosophers

The philosophers justified the criticisms made against the western culture and with time, post-structuralism emerged and exposed the norms and cultures of the western society. The people that led to the emergence of post-structuralism were [...]

Film Studies: Subtitles and Dubbing

The training for such programs enable the candidate to become well versed with the different features in regard to handling time and frame based subtitles, checking and fixing of errors in the subtitles, getting frame [...]

Structure of Advertising Agencies

The repetition, reinforcement, and perpetuation of relations within the social grid are guaranteed by the cultural exchange, an exchange that in capitalist societies is one of the commodities and the meanings attached to them.

End of Life Issues

While attempting to deal with the debilitating physical and mental and psychological issues, those nearing the end of life must prepare in a multitude of ways for death, a daunting task. For most people, the [...]

Eastern Crisis of 1875-1878

Starting with the Herzegovinian peasant revolution in July of 1875, the Austro-Hungarian diplomacy was the one that was particularly held responsible for the crisis while the European diplomacy was the one that was generally held [...]