5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 60

12,606 samples

Colonialism and Knowledge in Feminist Discourse

Power imbalances affect human societies in multiple ways, and one of the phenomena that are important from this perspective is the intersection of colonialism and knowledge. From the perspective of colonization, the intersection of colonialism [...]

The Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

The Preamble is imperative to the constitutional development of the country because it establishes a certain set of goals that the Constitution is aiming to reach: "We the people of the United States, in Order [...]

In Defense of Speciesism

He explains it by the fact that it is not possible to pretend that animals and humans are equal. This is the consequence of the perspective that insists animals are equal to humans.

ALDI: Low-Cost Strategy Assignment

In addition, the measure for the second objective is the percentage by which the market share of ALDI in the UK, Australian, and US retail grocery markets will increase by the end of 2019.

Child Welfare: Human Trafficking in San Diego

The paper consists of an introduction, the consecutive sections addressing the definition of the issue, its legal background, the occurrence of child trafficking, and the interventions initiated by the authorities to fight the threat.

BMW: Case Study Essay

This case study analysis attempts to examine the BMW brand and its approach to market segmentation to expand its automobile sales. Premium vehicles such as BMW base their segmentation and marketing on the concept of [...]

Inappropriate Behaviors in Students

The researchers focused on the investigation of the question emphasize the fact that the deterioration of the atmosphere among students and their peers to greater degree results from the lack of options how to spend [...]

The Problem of Artificial Intelligence

The introduction of new approaches to work and rest triggered the reconsideration of traditional values and promoted the growth of a certain style of life characterized by the mass use of innovations and their integration [...]

Tycoons and Their American Dream

The American Dream as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, and others saw it and forged it to be seen by others contributed meaningfully to the values of the American people and the priorities of a nation.

A CBRN Threat: Scenarios and Strategies

Situations in which anthrax is used as a weapon have to be prevented on all levels, starting with major efforts to end the proliferation of this pathogen, and effective communication between officials and the public.

De Young Museum Virtual Guide

America and the US, in particular, have become one of the most influential investors in the world culture due to the rapid development of contemporary art and youth impact.

Connected, but Alone

As it was implied in the introduction, Connected, but Alone tackles the main issue of post-industrial modernity in the West the fact that the passage of time seems to have a strongly detrimental effect on [...]

Light in Modern Physics Studies

Thus, it is possible to notice that this article is of high scientific and practical significance because the use of the technology described by the authors can considerably lower the expenses for energy.