9 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 12

2,810 samples

Affirmative Action Policy Pros and Cons

Women and ethnic minority groups are subjects of discrimination and exclusion especially in the labor and education sectors. The introduction of affirmative action abolished this lack of access to education and gave minority groups an [...]

Axel Honneth Views on Feminism

Axel Honneth's theory of recognition is a revision of Hegelian theory of recognition and presents an open support for garnering recognition of women but falls short of identifying the real reason for the continued denigration [...]

At-Risk Students Empowerment

Therefore, the essay explains the concept of the at-risk students and the role of the government, society, and teachers in empowering the at-risk students, and further examines the essence of the programme in the empowerment [...]

The Emergence of the Bipolar World

It demonstrates that the consequences of the bipolarity and the Cold War emerging from it were not positive because the world felt constant pressure resulting from the confrontation between the United States of America and [...]

Justifications of the Vicarious Liability

The rationale for the vicarious liability lies in the contractual relationship that binds the employee and employer. According to Lord Millet, vicarious liability is a mechanism of the loss distribution.

Learning and Development in an Organisation

Learning is a key part of the business environment, various complexities usually introduce themselves in the course of business operations and without continuous learning and development programs employees may be faced with a lot of [...]