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J Curve of Change

He further suggests that the use of the curve is fundamental while introducing business processes, indicating the reasons why change has to occur and presenting the approaches that will aid in handling the change process [...]

Legal Issues in the Banking Industry

The second problem is the complexity of banking operations for foreigners and the low-educated segments of the population. Thus, in banking, employees often face the problems of sexual harassment, complex mechanisms for clients, and digitalization.

Gambling and Gaming Industry

Compulsive gambling Compulsive gambling refers to the inability to control an individual's urge to engage in gambling activities. Other gambling activities in the state are classified as a misdemeanour.

Centralising the Treasury Operations

The treasury in a business environment is the unit in charge of the management of the funds' flow. The centralisation of the international banks' treasuries tackles these challenges as the banks have the capability to [...]

Case Design of Goods and Services

This paper discusses how regal marine has used the concept of product life cycle in making its products, the strategies the company has employed to remain competitive and the benefits of using the CAD technology [...]

Impression Management In A Job Interview

Interviewers' Sensitivity To Impression Management Strategies In A Job Interview The interview process takes a very short duration of time hence the need for the interviewer to get the most out of the candidate in [...]

Business Performance Measures

Performance is a common term used in business to refer to the value of business out put that is used to assess the viability of any business venture in terms of profits or losses.

Emerging issues – GASCO

The discussions relate to its environmental protection policies, enduring impacts on the environment, legal obligation on environmental protection quests, rivals environmental policies, and whether the company is environmentally friendly.

Kellogg’s Supply Chain

To realize the benefits of successful supply chain management, the following issues should be considered: Business location: It is important to locate a business in a place that is convenient to its operations.

Discrimination Against Black Women

Owing to the fact that these imageries of a group to forecast and analyze the performance of people, employer's classification of black women as solitary mothers could form the ground of discrimination.

Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom

The analysis of the plot, characters, and themes of Tuesdays with Morrie leads to the understanding that today's society prevents younger adults from learning from the elderly.

Roman and Greek Art

In addition, the artistic use of light materials in the construction of the Colosseum plays the traditional role of inspiring the modern day theatres and stadia construction.

Communities of practice

The fundamental concern of practice-based networks is knowledge sharing and knowledge management processes within an organisation. Hislop notes that knowledge is not completely unbiased and neutral and may be inseparable from the values of knowledge [...]

The Movie “Glory Road”

In the movie, the aspects of socialization are eminent when the coach introduces the African Americans into the team. In the movie, the inclusion of the Blacks in the team proved that they are as [...]

Dangers of Speeding on the Road

The rules and laws concerning traffic were designed to address the danger the drivers are exposed to on the road. The overall cost of traffic accidents, including healthcare costs, is four times higher than purely [...]

Diplomatic Immunity

The legal agreement about the protection to be accorded to diplomats is arrived at after the government which is sending the diplomat and the one where the diplomat is being hosted agree on the rights [...]

Ethnographic Research Methods

Participant observation can be defined as a qualitative method in ethnology research that is used by researchers in the areas of cultural anthropology in which the researcher in given the opportunity to get a close [...]

The Road Not Taken

In "The Road Not Taken", the poet uses a reflective tone to address the significance of the choices one makes in life. The "road" referred to by the speaker is the most prominent symbol in [...]

Knowledge Work and Organization

Therefore, they are accountable using their knowledge and skills, are included in the planning of the budget of the organization, and provide the time schedule for the activities carried out in the organization.

Ethical issues in the Digital Age

Since the music is copyrighted, it is also against the law to download and distribute it. This leads to the question regarding the inherent value of using the social networking sites when the repercussions are [...]

Artistic Movements and Their Representatives

She was a daughter of a haberdasher and was one of the eight children who survived to adulthood. The medium she used for her artistic work was linked to landscape painting and the realist tradition [...]

Macroeconomics and Reality

This demand is affected by the price of the car, the price of other models of cars, tastes and preferences of consumers among others. Many of the models in the article are also difficult to [...]