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Preclinical Testing on Animals

The authors argue that despite the recent decline in the level of quality and transparency of preclinical trials, the scientific communities should always rely on animal testing before moving to human subjects and the subsequent [...]

Analysis of Aretha Franklin’s Success

She was born on March 25, 1942, and succumbed on August 16, 2018; the artist was a songwriter, a pianist, and the first to introduce soul music. Franklin's father managed the artist's work and supported [...]

CDA Protects Social Media Companies

Social media companies' insufficient protection of users' personal information and adherence to terms or services negatively influences the population's safety by facilitating terrorist organizations' activities.

Environmental and Ethical Problems

It is important to analyze this question in the context of ethical reasoning. In other words, it is, to some extent, the process of finding compromises if we consider this issue of resources.

Analysis of Vectra Digital Case Study

Vectra Digital is a web design and digital marketing service specializing in generating high-quality leads and maintaining constant communication. Its services include: Website design and development; Pay-per-click; Organic search; Reputation management; Email marketing; Franchise marketing; [...]

Classical Play in Modern Filmmaking

The great feature of the film industry is that it often tries to use classical narratives, which the majority of the western public knows to reflect on the problems and issues of the modern world.