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Deterrence in Criminal Justice Practices

The concept of deterrence is the foundation of criminal justice systems in a majority of democratic nations. In my opinion, law enforcement is the second area where the implications of deterrence have more impacts.

California Geological Profile

The type of rocks found in California are diverse because it is said that, the state experiences some of the most diverse geological forces; which have in turn created some of the most diverse mineral [...]

Levels of Decision-Making

Organization levels that comprise of strategic, management, knowledge, and operational levels of the organization classify decision-making. Management level decision making controls the efficiency and effectiveness utilization of resources and the performance of operational units.

The Debate on Animal Testing

The purpose of this paper is to define animal testing within a historical context, establish ethical and legal issues surrounding the acts, discuss animal liberation movements, arguments in support and against the act of animal [...]

Martha Stewart as a Business Leader

Martha Stewart has shown excellent leadership skills since establishing her business back in the 1970s and this is evidenced by the businesses' phenomenal growth from a mere catering business to a billion dollar empire encompassing [...]

Tōhoku Earthquake of 2011

The rate at which the pacific plate undergoes displacement is at eight to nine centimeter per annum, hence the plate subduction of the plate led to a discharge of large amounts of energy leading to [...]

Vodafone Company and Ethical Principles

The accounts which are supposed to be guarded under the company's internal security systems are reported to be available over the internet where they are accessible to anyone subject to application of the company's password.

Metabolic Syndrome

These systems are responsible for the regulation of the processes of up-taking, storing and spending energy in the body. The study used a quantitative approach to examine the trends and causes of the problem in [...]

Feminist Movement Tendencies

In essence, shunning and neglecting the capability of women in most sectors has resulted limited their ability to accomplish their potential. Indeed, it is outstanding to foster the participation of women in society.

IT Procurement in Health Care

The use of IT in the healthcare industry is poised to make the industry become efficient, competitive, and more accessible to the clients. Luckily, the solutions to the problems bedeviling IT procurement in healthcare lie [...]

Psychodynamic Play Theory

Psychodynamic play therapy is utilized where a therapist is involved in listening to the details of a child's play and emphasizes the causes of the child's experiences in regard to motions of the child's body.

White Collar Crime: Insidious Injuries

This is one of the main issues that should be considered since it is important for understanding the dangers of these injuries and reducing their risks. These are some of the main challenges that can [...]

Conservation Of Energy

The amount of kinetic energy in a body is affected by environmental factors and the state of surrounding bodies while potential energy is independent of the surroundings.

Application: Asthma

The features of the air passage include the bronchi, alveoli and the bronchioles. The pathophysiology of chronic and acute asthma exacerbation describes the process and stages that lead to airway obstruction.

White Collar Crime Characteristics

It is possible to conclude that white collar offenders are usually well off and have certain status in the society. On balance, it is necessary to note that demographic and psychological characteristics of white collar [...]

Gene Expression Using Quantitative Real Time PCR

The establishment of the exact products of the expression of certain genes calls for specialized molecular analytical procedures. This experiment had an objective to determine the gene expression levels of the genes encoding CHOP/GADD153, BiP [...]

The Personal Stock Investing

The following are the main categories of securities that are listed in stock markets in China: bonds, stocks, and funds. The selling of shares in US dollars is meant to significantly promote the trading activities [...]

Worldwide Tax versus Territorial Tax

The main distinction between the United States' tax system and that of most countries is the manner in which the earnings that are made in foreign countries are handled when they are repatriated back to [...]

A Murder Case Involving Sally Thomas

The determination will depend on the strengths and weaknesses of the case as presented to the prosecutor by the detectives. Being that Sally and John were in a relationship at the time of her death, [...]

Criminal Law Foundation Evaluation

The main protection provided by the fourth amendment is based upon the concept of protection and the right to privacy. The first issue that is provided for under the Fifth Amendment is the use of [...]