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Social Inequality at School: Vision

Winterkorn was in charge of the company when it faced the major crisis, the echoes of which are still causing issues."The Volkswagen Diesel Fraud" as the world knows it, was a major scandal that Winterkorn [...]

Endocrine System and Diseases

The endocrine system of humans includes anatomically unrelated glands of internal secretion, such as the epiphysis, the parathyroid glands, the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland, the thymus gland, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, and others.

Phenomenon of Creativity and Success

This essay aims to discuss the two positions on creativity and argue that being creative is vital to achieving success in the 21st-century workplace, as creativity contributes to problem solving and effective leadership and helps [...]

Equal Protection of the Laws

Therefore, it is possible to say that all schools in the State of Washington are funded, but the existing funding system is not equal for all students.

I Feel Your Pain’ by McEntire

The problem of fractured identity is presented by the author as the multidisciplinary nature of emergency management programs along with plenty of organizations and agencies operating in the given field, thereby leading to failure to [...]

The Art of Persuasive Speaking

Aristotle listed four reasons to invest one's personal time in the art of persuasion: the ability to achieve justice, the ability to teach properly, consideration of each side of a problem, and the fact that [...]

Disaster Studies by Quarantelli

In other words, the author argues that the combination of applied concerns and inquiries into the sociological aspects of disasters established throughout several decades had a positive influence on the understanding of the topic and [...]

Dangers of the Digital Age

After gaining access to the social network account of the victim, the hacker is likely to send out private messages to everyone with ties to the victim.

Technological Advances in Working Processes

However, it is most important to know what kind of benefits the new technology brings to the table. It is also important to know how the implementation of new technology may benefit everybody individually.

Who Is Charles Dickens?

In 1837, he made his debut as a novelist and released "The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club". Constant quarrels with his wife and illnesses of his eight children led to the fact that he [...]

Young Adults in Prison and Behavioral Correction

Prisons providing special confinement for young adults use the concept of 'assisted resistance in their rehabilitative efforts to promote the impetus of their inmates specifically to stop them from further committing offenses. To the young [...]

Historiography: Definition and Mission

If we address, for example, the Encyclopedia Britannica, it will state that "...the writing of history, especially the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particular details from the [...]

Richard Branson’s Customer Service Secrets

It is exceptionally true when the competitors in the sphere of action are huge companies with billions of assets. The majority of big businesses' owners are usually isolated from the employees and the customers in [...]