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Holocaust Tragedy in Nazi Germany

Since the forties of the twentieth century, another such theory, called the Holocaust, came into use in the context of the mass extermination of Jews in Europe by the Nazis. It is the education of [...]

Crown Plaza Hotel’s Action Research Project

In this paper, the researcher seeks to address the problem of diversity management that the company faces. The problem with this strategy is that the management is finding it difficult to manage the diversity of [...]

Race and Ethnicity: Capitalism, Law, and Biology

Stemming from the bigoted perspective that the colonialist thinking provided, legal regulations and biological theories have aggravated the quality of relationships between members of different racial and ethnic groups, creating the scenario in which the [...]

Nirvana and Other Buddhism Concepts

Different regions have adopted specific ways of being religious that have been influenced by the cultural attributes of the people, influence from other religions, and the ideas associated with various Asian philosophies.

Creativity in Leadership

While the structure and stability of leadership are necessary, the most progressive leaders have shown to be creative and innovative in a manner that challenged traditional methods and patterns of management.

Imperialist Global Order After World War I

Thus, the general trend of the after-war years was the dismantling of multiethnic empires and the establishment of new nation-states. However, World War I also created new challenges to the existing hierarchies of wealth and [...]

The Turtle Evolution Concept

However, recent developments in the field of evolutionary biology led some scientists to believe that the purpose of the 'shell' was different at first. On the contrary, wide and thick ribs allowed the ancestor of [...]

Free Speech in the First Amendment

The first amendment of the Constitution states, "Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the [...]