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The Introduction of Environmental Legislation

Governments in Australia and all over the world try to protect the environmental damage through the introduction of environment-related laws and regulations. In Australia, the State, Commonwealth, and the local governments introduce and administers legislation [...]

Managerial Finance Conceptions

The relationship between the shareholders and the managers is well represented by the principal-agent theory. The company owners' interests and goals may differ from those of the managers, as the shareholders are interested in [...]

Unionization Process Pros & Cons

The process of organizing a union in a company has its rules and outcomes, and this paper aims to discuss the essence of a union creation with its steps, as well as well advantages and [...]

The Three Types of Hackers

The article "They are attacking you: learn the three types of hackers' was written by Jonathan Nichols and explores the three main types of hackers that attack organizations and their clients, and the factors that [...]

Piano Music, Baroque and Nationalism Influences

The keyboard music of the Baroque period has exhibited the features characteristic of the other forms of art of the period: the increasingly complex and ornate patterns and the virtuosic and exquisite nature of the [...]

Islamic Modernism and Its Culture

Modernists reforms aimed to deal with aspects relating to the law of evidence, modern education, the status of women in the society, right of Muslim to have independent thinking and rationality, constitutional reforms, the nature [...]

At-Risk Students Empowerment

Therefore, the essay explains the concept of the at-risk students and the role of the government, society, and teachers in empowering the at-risk students, and further examines the essence of the programme in the empowerment [...]