1100-Word Essay Examples. Page 4

7,104 samples

Military Leadership in US

Military leadership involves the use of suitable behaviours, personality, and actions that can align the overall behaviour of the military with mission goals without compromising the growth, wellbeing, and development of the military force.

Concept of Studying History

The use of calendars, dating events, and dividing history into different periods are the major tools used in the study of the past occurrences which help explain the present and foresee the future. A good [...]

Kudler Fine Foods Market Research

The risk comes when the consumers are dissatisfied with the products that the organization is offering in the market. It is through measuring of the progress that the organization gets to know of its performance [...]

Entrepreneurship: An Emirati Perspective

By emphasizing the fact that a number of UAE employees showing the signs of entrepreneurial activity, the authors of the research state that the rates of the private business initiative are growing fast within the [...]

Fifth Chinese Daughter by Jade Snow Wong

The novel follows the complicated relationships within Jade's family where she, as the youngest child had to obey everyone else, besides, as a female she was to blindly respect the authorities of the male members [...]

Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift

Although Wegener provided a lot of evidence-based on the discussion of continental fits and results of investigations in paleontology and paleoclimatology, the scientist failed to explain the mechanisms which made the blocks move, thus, only [...]

Merger Between Citicorp and Travelers Group

One reasons, as to why the Citicorp and travelers merger was considered important in the financial industry of the United States was because this merger would create "a financial supermarket hence increasing the economies of [...]

Portfolio Usage in Today’s Career

In this paper, we are going to discuss the importance of the professional portfolio, provide the algorithm of composing a great portfolio, discuss the use of portfolio in today's career and focus on the question [...]

The Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression of 1929-40s refers to the collapse of the world economy. For instance, a democrat entitled as Glass believed in the dominance of the white, budget devoid of deficits, the statutory rights, as [...]

The Son of Man by Rene Magritte

The interpretation of some signs which are not seen at the first glance, such as the backward bend of the left elbow of the man and his eyes which can be only partially seen over [...]

FIFA World Cup

The aim of the sport was to direct a ball towards a miniscule hole with players being allowed to touch the ball with any part of part of their body but the hands.

Ethics in Technology: Cyber Crimes

Furthermore, the defendant altered the data, which compromised the integrity of the information to the detriment of the organizations involved. In this litigation, Aleksey Vladimirovich Ivanov was the defendant while the American government was the [...]

Kudler Fine Foods and Market Research

The popularity of the company has continued to grow daily hence the need to initiate changes in order to raise the revenues and reduce costs. Market research identifies the characteristics of the targeted markets and [...]

Risk Management: Barclays Bank

The responsibility of risk management in Barclays bank group is mandated to all levels of management within the group starting from the top management and executive committee to each unit managers and risk managers.

Raise the Red Lantern

To Songlian, this is a wake up call as she realizes she has to fight for her place in this marriage and win Chen's heart to lure him into spending more time with her.

Battleship Potemkin

Both individuals tended to perceive the process of movie's editing as being similar to the process of composing music just as composer constructs a melody out of individually sounding and often dissonant musical notes, film's [...]

Free Speech: First Amendment

Obscenity is one of the exceptions, according to the US Miller Test, obscenity is a test used by Supreme Court to determine if an expression or a speech can be termed obscene and whether it [...]

No Sugar by Jack Davis

In the 20th Century, it is a recognized factor in Australia, and all over the rest of the world, that there was neglect of Aborigines since the settlement of the first western civilization, and for [...]

Internet Tools for Dirt Bikes

The level of the technology that a company has impacts the profitability and the going concern of the business. Expenses related to the internal and external communication of the organization should be reviewed from time [...]