1150-Word Essay Examples. Page 18

3,931 samples

Marxist Theories of History: Pros and Cons

The five stages in the economic determinism of history can be summarized as follows; Primitive hunting and gathering societies had no extra wealth and therefore no private property, social classes, class struggles, or even the [...]

Justice Research in the News

The paper discusses the angle of the news article, the author's perspective, and the appropriateness of the research data utilization. At the same time, the results are only relevant to the black community, which means [...]

Mohamud v. Morrison Supermarket Plc

The idea of holding the employer accountable for the actions of the employee, during their employment, is a part of the legal system, which is called the vicarious liability according to the English common law.

Colorado Edgar Mine: The Underground Lab

Before being what it is today, an underground lab used to train future engineers, it was one of the prominent mines back in the 1870s and produced highly valuable resources which included copper, gold, lead [...]

Diversity Influence on Team Performance

Since the diversity and team performance topic is well explored by professional researchers, it is possible to find relevant information and compare various points of view while ensuring that the data is credible and trustworthy.

Composers From Different Periods

Giovanni Benvenuti was the first person to teach Corelli the principles of the violin and later continued his further studies on the same with Leonardo Brugnoli.

“Marriage Story” Film Analysis

It may be said that the "good" spouse is the shining example of selflessness, whereas the "bad" spouse is the one who is narcissistic and selfish and who is usually the wife in such instances.

Issue of Pollution of Everest

A policy that can be put in place by Nepal to address the current state of pollution on Everest is limiting the number of climbers to the mountain. The increase in the number of people [...]

Report on Culture’s Values

Decision in the health, business, or education sector are influenced by cultural values Illustration of the Impact Asians have a culture that gives authority to leaders, therefore, undermining consultation efforts between doctors and patients.