1650-Word Essay Examples. Page 6

3,008 samples

Youth Misbehavior: School and Community Risk Factors

The following paper analyzes school- and community-related factors that contribute and sustain adverse behavioral patterns assesses the influence of diversity and multicultural issues that may impact the success of interventions, and explores several possible ways [...]

Foundations of Conducting Research

When conducting research, the fundamental distinction to remember between the inductive and deductive methods is that while the deductive method focuses on evaluating theories, the inductive method concentrates on creating new theories using available data.

The Issue of Identity

The paramount question is the significance of identity in people's lives and most studies have proved that identity is noteworthy in the present life.

Racial Segregation in the Educational Context

In the article You are Either One of Us or You are Not: Racial Hierarchy and Non-Black Members of Black-Greek Letter Organizations, the authors address the problems of "racial segregation" in the educational context that [...]

Effective Intelligence Assessment System

As such, the government of the United States, while fighting Balkans' organized crime, must understand that it is dealing with a very complex problem that needs dedication, time, commitment, and above all a sophisticated intelligence-gathering [...]

Is War Ever Morally Justified?

The purpose of this paper is to provide arguments that a moral justification of war is impossible based on a critical discussion of theories supporting the ethical justification of warfare and prove that they have [...]

Black Men in Media

One of the most prominent peculiarities of a contemporary living in the US has to do with the fact that, as time goes on, the racial tensions undermine the integrity of American society from within.

Social Housing in China

The Chinese economic boom in the last 30 years has contributed to the increased urbanization of the country, while a growing population and the influx of migrants to cities has led to a severe shortage [...]