1800 Word Essay Examples & Research Topic Ideas. Page 4

745 samples

Julian of Norwich: Anchoress and Mystic

In this extensive metaphysical work, she widely explores the nature of God's love, in which we are given 'snapshots' of love in the guise of: Father, Son and Spirit; Mother God, even, the comfort and [...]

Public Sector Budget Coordination Challenges

A comprehensive understanding of the budget coordination is imperative, not just to develop expense projections but to ensure that policymakers get the best advice on the feasibility of a given budget suggestion from outlooks of [...]

Social Contract and Business

Thus, when it comes to the importance businesses accrue to the concept of CSR, it can be seen that in the business decision matrix, they consider it to be less than the need to be [...]

Corporatism in Global Operations

The difference between corporatism and capitalism is based on economic circulation and role of organizations in a given state. Corporatism is threatened by emergence of economic and political instability in some states.

How Do We Communicate Value?

The particular formulation and adoption of integrated reporting revolves around the realization that in the last few years the quantity of information that accountants as well as financial analysts have to generate and present to [...]

German National Consciousness

Much was needed to instill a sense of German identity and common political ambition, a feeling of belonging together as one nation, into the populations of the central European states, Protestant and Catholic alike, the [...]

The History of Jainism in India

The renouncers, although they are restricted by their monastic vows in the role they may play in temple ritual, are none the less vociferous in providing, in print and in their sermons, powerful intellectual justifications [...]

Lawrence Peter “Yogi” Berra

After the war, he retired back to New York where he was assigned to the Yankees New London, Connecticut club where the manager took a keen look at the talent of the player and offered [...]

Mana Whenua: Annotated Bibliography

The author suggests that perhaps the assertion against the M ori's representation was aggravated by a lack of transparency regarding the responsibilities and functions of local authorities arising from the Waitangi Treaty principles.

Violence in the Workplace

The heritage of violence in the political economy is the main cause of violence in many countries5. As a son in the family, he was expected to provide for the family.

Poverty in Saudi Arabia

It is expected that through the various facts and arguments presented in this paper.the reason behind the high poverty rate within Saudi Arabia despite its oil wealth as compared to its neighbors will become clear [...]

E-Commerce Business Plan

The vision of the company is to be the leader in the provision of safe, convenient and quick return services. The cost for setting up and maintaining the website is significantly lower than the expected [...]

Innovation, Change and Leadership

Theory E The aim or purpose of this theory is to facilitate creation of economic value inline with the expectations of the shareholders. The culture of experimentation and innovation is internalized by the employees and [...]

Corporate Restructuring

Results of Scott Paper's restructuring Scott and Kimberly-Clark found that their merger led to a huge growth in the capital value of the company.

IHRM Issues and Practices

The quality of this literature shows that it is valuable by the view of the information that it contributes to both the background and main discussion of this article.

Human Resource Management Project

The compensation and benefits program varies between employees with the government playing the central role of providing legislation on the minimum requirements for employers to adhere to in providing compensation and benefits to employees.

Managerial Skills: Consulting

6 As the role of the committee of its managing directors shifted from planning to orient the future of the company with the different outsets, Gurkov argues that there was need to harmonize Lukoil's operations [...]

The Last Supper in the Bible

The initial analogical provision with regards to the last supper was pegged on the reports of the festival as found in the bible where God is said to have instructed the Israelites to sacrifice a [...]