2200-Word Essay Examples. Page 7

2,919 samples

Anglo-Zulu 1879 War Analysis

The Zulu nation had been invaded by Voortrekkers and up to the time it was subdued by the British, it had fought numerous battles and even when the Zulu finally lost to the British, they [...]

Realism in American Literature

Corresponding tendencies in the drama are shown in the writings of Ibsen, Hamptman and Galsworthy."In the United States, Wolfe, Hemingway and Faulkner are among the leading representatives of the modern school of realism"..

Trends in Nursing of Families

A family care approach to assessment and bringing up could mean that much of efforts that parents apply to bringing the child up usually can not be documented, and may outline in various consequences.

Heritage – A Sense of Belongingness

Global movements like the entry of the heritage monuments in the tourism sector, and along with that interest of private companies have raised many complex issues on the ownership rights of the heritage sites, which [...]

Sugar Cane Bio-Diesel in Brazil

The increase in the prices of oil in 2005 raised the production and use of sugarcane ethanol in vehicles. The fermentation process used to make ethafuel is exactly the same as the one used in [...]

Justice and Society: Meritocracy

The notion of Meritocracy can be challenged as the cause of structural inequalities in society in the sense that the socially disadvantaged are never given a chance to reorganize in also becoming competitive like the [...]

Chinese Cinema Industry Review

In seven years after handover Hong Kong entered the historical 'post-colonial' period, but a post-colonial Hong Kong had to face another 'post colonialism', which refered to the objectification and the remaining influence of colonialism.

Off-Shoring of IT Services to India

Although whenever operations and jobs are delegated from production within an enterprise to a stand-alone entity that is internal to the company but specializes in that give operation may imply the concept of In-Sourcing, the [...]

Roles of Women in Hitchcock’s Film

On the other hand, the killer who is featured in Alfred Hitchcock's 1972 movie, Frenzy, is seen to idolize his mother, while at the same time harboring a loathing for the rest of the women.

Child Poverty in Toronto, Ontario

However, despite the current economic downturn, the period from 1995 has been that of steady economic growth in Toronto; unfortunately, this has not seen a corresponding betterment of the welfare of the child in the [...]

Composers Approach to Opera

There is a major difference in the mixing of the voices by the two composers. In the opera, the soprano gives the audience a feeling of sympathy and attachment to the characters.

Nineteenth Century Music: Virtuoso Performances

Four factors characterized early nineteenth-century music: the rise of public concerts, improvements in transportation, the Industrial Revolution, and the glorification of genius and personal expression in the Romantic Era. The style of the pianist in [...]