3000-Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

1,156 samples

Presidential Elections of 1804

The election was notable because of the extremely partisan nature of the election and the vitriolic attacks on former Revolution War friends and colleagues" As Dunn observed "It was particularly important as it resulted in [...]

Analyzing and Critiquing a Paradigm

Failure to understand the perceived meaning of the drawings led to the development of such stereotypes. The surfaces made the presentation of drawings extremely difficult owing to the ability of the surfaces to regenerate.

The Food and Beverage Sector

There is no doubt that there are many substitutes to this industry and the best investors can do is to try to retain the available market by offering quality services.

Zaeem Jamal Marketing Strategy

Considering the fact that the U.K.is not a temperate country and often has extended periods of cold weather, this lack of a line of clothing that specifically caters to the local climate of the U.K.hampers [...]

Nucor in 2009 case C150

The objectives of Nucor Corporation are to decentralize the management of the organization to ensure that there is performance based compensation within the organization, to provide quality customer service products and services to the various [...]

China’s Economic Development

Several international economic factors that contributed greatly to the rapid economic growth include foreign investors, foreign loans, international economy trade opportunities, foreign advice, available export market, investment, support to investors by Chinese government, and encouragement [...]

The Leadership at the United Arab Bank

This ensures that while the departments involved in product design are committed to the adherence to the set standards of quality, the same is also observed by the other departments in the organization that may [...]

Business Process Improvement

Therefore, the rationale for Business Process Improvement includes the need for change, motivating factors of the change process and competition in the business environment.

Sexual Misconduct: Problem and Solutions

Introduction The meaning of sexual misconduct Sexual misconduct as a problem facing many societies The scope of the problem History of sexual misconduct The magnitude of this vice in the world Problem conceptualization and [...]

Employee Retention in Workplace

According to Prakashan, "employee Retention involves taking measures to encourage the most productive employees to remain in the organization for the maximum period of time" or up to completion of their projects.

Unethical Organizations

The Enron scandal was presented as a classic case of a company engaged in unethical behavior and practices that led to the collapse of the once promising company.

The Factors in Managerial Work

In a study of the changes in the roles of first-line managers in the UK, Hales refutes the claim that organizational change has led to a significant alteration of the roles of first-line managers.

Managerial Research Findings

In this paper, research findings on the roles of management in communication in an organisation, the work of managers, and the role of management in the empowerment of the employees are the most important findings [...]

Industrial Terrorism in Modern World

It is against this background that "a worst vase release" was determined by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1996 and established the fact that over 100 of the identified chemical facilities had the potential of [...]

Performance Management: One Part of Human

The process involves the stakeholders sitting down to categorize and illustrate the job tasks and tie them to the assignment and goals of the organization. The strategic purpose of the performance management is to tie [...]

Can Levi’s be Cool Again?

Thus, it is necessary for the management to come up with effective measures that will ensure that the firm's operations are sustainable in the short run and in the long run hence enabling Levi's to [...]

Chrysler Sold to Fiat

The organizational change in the company seems to be having positive impacts of the financial state of the organization. For Fiat to fall under the success stories in the merger, the management and other stakeholders [...]

Management in Organisation

However, when the performance is dwindling as witnessed in the Coca-Cola Company, the stakeholders might be forced to terminate the contracts of the top management team of the corporation, if assumed that their roles would [...]

Gate Gourmet Management

The management of this firm introduced scala system to help ensure that the firm gets it right all the time in processes of meeting the dynamic demands of the customers.

Performance Measurement for WWP

There is the issue of stiff competition from other businesses in the same industry, economic problems that hinder the customers' willingness to buy some products, and the presence of several distractions, which have the potential [...]

Strategic Thinking and Leadership

The ability of a leader to develop strategies, implement them, learn them, and understand what need to be changed for the betterment of the organisation is key to innovation and strategic leadership.

Communication Skills in Management

The discussions of the paper are based on the existing literature of the roles of organisational communication in enhancing the success of organisations and on the understanding of the roles of communication in organisations developed [...]

The Gospel of Amazement

By Jesus telling the leapers to walk forth and show themselves to the priests he wanted word on the healing of leapers which was a miracle to spread as this would then lead to the [...]

Working Across Boundaries Analysis

Working across boundaries such as distance and business culture is advantageous for any company due to access to a greater talent pool and product markets, however, the fact remains that along with such advantages comes [...]

Why to Go to College

It is impossible to know everything and colleges are necessary to filter the information which is to be remembered for sure and another one which is to be known and in case of necessity easily [...]

Cultural Awareness Among the Arab Youth

In fact, the course and consequences of political, social and economic transformations currently undulating across the Arab world championed by the Arab youths present an opportunity to understand the cultural values that need to be [...]

Ancient China Unification

The key factor in the unification of the Chinese people is their adherence to the standardized belief system employed by the empire.

Relations Between Races in the United States

In the field of employment, African-Americans get fewer callbacks and lower starting salaries; they even have to deal with discrimination by colleagues, as both various Internet sources and the results of a conducted interview show.

St. Paul at the Areopagus

While the emphasis is seemingly put on the necessity to convince the residents of Athens that their religious beliefs are inconsistent and that the gods that they pay tribute to can in no way provide [...]

IBNOVO Firm: IT Training Program

This document outlines some of the issues that will be considered in the process of implementing the project. Consequently, the concept of total quality management will be integrated in the training program.

The Lebanese and Cyprus Civil Wars

Other types of conflicts that have proven detrimental to the well-being of a nation are religious conflicts, which have been the major cause of war in most of the nations in the Middle East. The [...]