550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 154

18,509 samples

The Apple International Company

IOS, iPad, and macOS operating systems, the iTunes media player, the Safari web browser, and the iWork and iLife creativity and productivity suites are among the software offerings. Finally, Apple is dedicated to using data [...]

Humanity and the Environment

Many key factors affect the relationship between population and the environment within a particular region, including the number of inhabitants, their living standards and needs, technological advancements, the population's attitude and philosophy towards nature, and [...]

Obama’s Speech on 2012 Budget Cuts

On February 14th, 2011, the president of the United States of America, delivered a speech detailing his government's vision for the county, alongside the speech, he presented the government's suggested changes in 2012 fiscal budget. [...]

Kuwait’s Energy Consumption

Oil consumption in industries is set to drop due to the increased production of gas reserves used in electricity generation. In the year 2010, Kuwait consumed around 530 billion cubic feet of gas equating to [...]

Unilever Ice Cream European Market

Moreover, the strong brand image associated with Unilever has made it possible for the company to implement its strategies both at the national and pan-European levels. Unilever has several strengths in the European market in [...]

The Various Types of Performance Appraisals

A performance appraisal is a formal interaction between managers and their employees where the employees are evaluated during a set time span to determine their weaknesses and strengths. Paired Comparison Method In this method, the [...]

Globalization and Its Discontents

The paper will examine some of the discontents making globalization unacceptable today First, I will describe the issue of globalization as used today. The next thing is to apply the moral theory to establish the [...]

Depression in the Elderly

Depression in the elderly differs from depression in the young in a number of ways. Older people with depression are twice as likely to develop cardiac diseases, and the consequent increase in the risk of [...]

Project Plan – The Hiring Process

The scope of the project will be on the premises of the main objective that it will the management will aim at achieving, which will be improving the efficiency with regard to hiring new workers.

Social Pressure and Change

The external pressure facing XYZ might make the company to embrace change because the firm has to adhere to societal expectations in regard to environmental responsibility and general community involvement.

Whistle-Blowing and Ethics: Facebook’s Data Selling

During investigations regarding the organization's collaboration with the ill-branded Cambridge Analytica, Zuckerberg provides rehearsed responses to the American legislators investigating the matter. However, the motive behind Wylie's confession is not clear, leading to significant doubts [...]

How innovation add value to hotels

The hospitality industry is more of a service industry, thus for an effective operational management, the focus should be on the quality of service that customers receive from the company; this has been one area [...]

Management Process Improvement

Describe the difference between a system and a process A system in management refers to a complete set of controlling, measuring and monitoring processes that an organization has and which play a role of ensuring [...]

The Sphinx of King Taharqo Statue

Tace of the artifact is the Sudanese resemblance of the Tahsrqo, the black king, the fourth pharaoh to rule over the combined kingdoms of Kush and Egypt. The sphinx, as a whole, represents the fusion [...]

The Investment Activity Calculation

In addition to these notes, the value of companies can be calculated using the indicators in the cash flow from investing activities article, which indicates the amount of acquisition and sale of assets in a [...]

Organizational Study: Statistical Analysis

The purpose of the present correlation analysis was to identify the nature of the relationship between respondents' perceptions of generalized anxiety that may have been experienced and scores on the SNAQ-12 scale assessing snake [...]