6 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 33

8,928 samples

Education Funding in England and Cuba

Today, with the growth of demanding to the academic level of working professionals and rapid growth of requirements to the quality of education at national and international levels, achieving of high standards of education is [...]

Nissan Company’s Strategic Leadership

One of the ways of accomplishing this mission was by increasing the productivity of the organization by eliminating challenges that reduced the productivity of workers such as organizational work conflicts, low teamwork motivation, and the [...]

Amazon Coins as the New Type of Currency

Even though the Amazon Coin as a concept works perfectly well within the environment of the Amazon online services, being both legal and economically reasonable as opposed to bitcoins, it is still considered alien to [...]

Workplace Diversity and Challenges of Leadership

However, the importance of attaining diversification strategy within the organization was due to two broad reasons: retaining competitiveness of the organizations after employing the diversity strategy and morally, diversification of the organization is the right [...]

The Concept of Gender in Cinema

The concept of gender in cinema refers to the portrayal of female roles in cinemas. These representations of female roles in cinemas show the consistent effort by filmmakers to use cinemas to emphasize the mainstream [...]

New Phone, Inc. Company Analysis

As a result, the organization will be capable of enhancing the existing system of audits by acquiring the equipment that was created with the help of the latest technological advances in order to carry out [...]

“The Man Who Was Almost a Man”

During the night, the mother confronts Dave and demands to be given the gun; however, Dave lies that he left it outside and thus he can only retrieve it in the morning. Hawkins, but he [...]

Oil Drilling and Oil Services Insurance

It is important to analyze the role of insurance in the development of the Oil Drilling and Oil Services industry in the United Arab Emirates and examine its basic principles in the local and international [...]

The Issues of Human Rights

The scope of this review starts from the history of Labour Human Rights and examines how various authors have presented their case studies regarding the effectiveness or lack of it of the policies that govern [...]

King Hussain Hospital’s Decision-Making Issue

Factors that influenced the decision included the state of the patient's health, previous outcomes of similar emergency operations, superficial analysis of information, nurses' responsibility to the wellbeing of the patient, emotional thinking, limited time, and [...]

Globalization and Islamic Societies

As Featherstone states, 'the root 'global' seems to possess a self-evident quality in its suggestion of not only the expansion of the scope of our social relations to the planetary limits but also in the [...]

Duke Ellington: Multi Talented Man

In addition to the good choice of performers, Duke's unique blend of rhythms and movements made people love his music. Being, in fact, an amateur, Duke has created the music that has become classic and [...]