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Letters From the Civil War

In relation to the opposition of the election and ideas of President Lincoln, 11 states on the Southern part of the United States of America separated from the rest of the states and formed the [...]

Peer and Self-Assessment Points

Peer assessment implies that students evaluate their peers according to the given criteria; Students are involved in peer assessment in many ways, including both direct and indirect forms; Assessment culture and ethics are learned by [...]

Multicultural Food Marketing Techniques

Therefore, the primary customers and a considerable share of the secondary are the elderly, who find traditional marketing techniques trustworthy. In the process, the measure of success is the correspondence to the mission and vision [...]

William Blake’s Poetry Analysis

Paraphrase of the poem The first stanza is a question on the immortal hand that could make such a beautiful and fearful figure for the Tyger, the second stanza asks where the Tyger was created [...]

Analyzing the Economy of Cuba

The government controlled most of the means of production and employed a large percentage of the workforce. In the current paper, the author takes an in-depth look into the current status of the Cuban economy.

Current Issues in Business Organisations

However, the judge followed the ethical conduct of fulfilling the fines payments despite the media influence on the matter. The globalization of labor opens investment opportunities for individuals and countries, which creates international business relations.

“Penal Crisis” and Its Social Roots

The reason for this is thoroughly objective: the dramatic rise of the incarceration rate that has taken place through the last few decades in most Western countries did not result in improving the overall criminological [...]

The Obstetrical Nursing Practice

As Fonseca et al.contend, one of the essential notions in natal and prenatal education is the emerging theme of 'humanizing birth.' This notion entails bringing the empathic dimension to the challenges that patients may experience [...]

Spring Road Elementary School’s Improvement Plan

The poor performance at Spring Road elementary school is attributed to absenteeism especially the blacks and the economically disadvantaged students. The antidote to the absenteeism challenge is getting the students involved in school activities and [...]

Capra Tek: The Risk Management

The quantitative risk analysis involved in developing a personal security device includes a tabulation of the risk register through risk identification, risk planning, assessment, and evaluation of the risks to provide recommendations.

Globalization Effects on Ford Motor Company

This organization defines globalization as the process in which financial and investment markets of different counties become interconnected and interdependent due to the deregulation and erasure of national borders. In itself, the process of globalization [...]

China Dynasties Comparison: Ming Vs Qing

The focus of the paper is examining the institutional developments after the Ming dynasty's fall, with a view of illustrating the changes in the power division, distribution, structure, and dynamics in the Qing dynasty era [...]