1050-Word Essay Examples. Page 15

2,301 samples

Infectious Disease and Public Health

A comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the disease, including its overall description, strategies to address it, and current research on the disease, allows the government to develop more practical and effective strategies to address the [...]

Ponzi Scheme by Callahan and Manson

Despite the unprofitable nature of the Panoramic View, which is a development consisting of several beachfront apartments, Callahan and Manson went ahead and sunk millions of dollars in this unprofitable investment, an act that resulted [...]

Cheating in the Internet

The presence of ecommerce has increased the number of fraudulent deals in the internet. However, with the increasing number of transactions in the internet, fraudsters are taking advantage of the situation.

Problems facing small businesses

This means that a foreign company may have to pay more tax to the government compared to the local companies. The company should hire well skilled and qualified managers to run its business.

Internet and Smartphone Effect

In this essay, I analyze the arguments advanced by experts in five different publications in order to investigate the consequences of internet and smartphone use on human behavior and relationships during the COVID-19 epidemic.

JC Penney Pricing Strategy

The fundamental objective of this strategy is to increase the customer base. Of course, the result would be a significant decline in the number of customer visits to the company stores.

Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

Genetically, an alteration in the serotonin, dopamine and glutamate genes may be the cause of the disease. Therefore, the close interactions of genetic, psychological and environmental factors lead to severe cases of bipolar disorder.

The Search for Meaning in College

They also wanted to know the connection between spirituality and religion and what the universities and colleges were doing that either deterred or encouraged their students to pursue aspects of spirituality. Several other curricular and [...]

Peregrine Trucking Company

This is due to the fact that the firm will be able to utilize alternative fuels which are less costly compared to petroleum based sources of energy. One of the components that the management team [...]

Nike Penetration Strategy in Brazil

It allows the company to get an opportunity to locate in a region that has low production and labor costs, locate close to its target market and provide an opportunity for profit maximization.

Costco Company Strategy

The existence and growth of the discount warehouses in the retail segment shows that it is a business model that is able to weather the storms of economic downturns such as those that the world [...]

EBay Company’s Marketing Managment

The ability of the consumers to predetermine the prices created a feeling of control among the consumers. The online firm has been successful on the online business because of the knowledge of the needs of [...]

American Civil War Causes Analysis

The first position was formulated by David Wilmot who opined that the Congress had the power to abolish slavery leading to the declaration of the Ordinance of 1787, also known as the Wilmot Proviso stating [...]

The Internet and Sex Industries

Their argument stems from the opinion that the exploitation of women and children did not start from the emergence of the strategic relationship between the internet and the sex industry.

Offshore Outsourcing

This essay seeks to explain the concept of offshore sourcing, reasons advanced to oppose offshore outsourcing and reasons for offshore outsourcing.