1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 5

3,531 samples

Analysis of Piracy in Somalia

After the fall of the government following the death of Siad Barre, a state of lawlessness ensued, and brought about an uprising of different factions claiming authority. These factions include the Government of Somaliland, the [...]

Plastic Surgery for Men

The number of men interested is now approaching the number of women interested in the procedure. Majority of men seeking plastic surgery are single and some have major problems in their marriages.

Psychological Impact on Education

Therefore, this research examines the impacts of psychology on education, professionals, and relationship success in the education setting. The educational psychology in accordance to the academic description may mean the study of teaching, learning, and [...]

The Concept of Product Development

The main objective will be examination of the effect of new product development processes to the Organization's performance and general attitude towards the use of 'Natures' energy drink within the market environment.

The Role of the Body

Time passed and people started to think that our body is just a repository for our eternal soul and that is why existence should be devoted to attempts to save our soul and prepare it [...]

Abortion: Analysis of Pro-Abortion Arguments

As controversial debates continue, anti-abortion group adopted the term 'pro-life' to signify their support to life while pro-abortion group refers itself as 'pro-choice'. To pro choice, abortion is not killing but removal of a foetus, [...]

Concepts of Gender Roles

As a result of these, the war on gender inequality and sexism has failed, because of the failure of these agents of change to promote gender equality and eliminate discriminative notions held by the society.

Single-Sex Schooling in Education

Fergusson documents that in single-sex schooling, boys are able to work hard without the fear of appearing "feminine" to the girls. Another merit of single-sex schooling is that it leads to the increase in self-confidence [...]

Censorship and the Arts in the United States

The article titled "Censorship versus Freedom of Expression in the Arts" by Chiang and Posner expresses concerns that the government may illegitimately censor art to avoid corruption of morals and avoid subversion of politics.

Benefit Causes of War

The wars of old were among the wars that were hailed as being among the most prolific and devastating wars in the world's history of military and political conflict.

Avon Company Bribery Scandal in China

These subsequent events of the company lack of emphasis on ethical values led to the vulnerability of the company to employee malpractices. In the analysis of the fraud, the company had to incur huge funds [...]

Cabramatta’s Culture and Art

Indeed, seeing that turtle and tortoise shells have been used as the raw material for various types of medicine for quite a while in China and Vietnam, as well as the fact that the Chinese [...]

Islamic City Concept and Architectural Style

Abu-Lughod, "The Theming of Arabia: Cultural Capitalism and the Re-Invention of Tradition in the Persian Gulf" by Khaled Adham, and "Creating the 'Arabian' Architectural Style" by Mamdouh Mohamed Sakr are discussing the topic of the [...]