4500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

629 samples

Strategic Management and Leadership Skills

This was also the period of the biggest recall of toys in the history of the company. The Mattel case study: the link between strategic management and leadership Leadership provides a link between strategic management [...]

Management and it is role in organization

Human resource management on the other hand is concerned with management of work force and addressing of various issues related to employees within the Real estate investment and development firm These functional areas work in [...]

HRM for the Service Industries

This would refer to the orientation of the leader regarding the aims and responsibilities of employees. As a strategy, Delta Air Lines management has empowered employees to recognize and comment on the performance of their [...]

Dance Education and Culture

The important elements under discussion for all the dance styles analyzed include, the progression, the uniqueness in steps and the relevance of the knowledge gained to the student.

Students Language Skills Project

Due to the growing body of research on the issue of grammar proficiency and processes involved in grammar acquisition, the project is aimed at showing which approach to grammar improvement is the most viable, and [...]

Global Expand in Organizations

The global and multinational approaches are very critical to the success of a business to succeed in the international market. In order to foster global expansion, the management of a company is supposed to make [...]

The Benefits of E-contracting

Upon the parties to the contract coming to a consensus and a contract being established, each of the parties to the contract manages the various activities electronically.

Abu Dhabi Ports Company: Project Management

Figure 1: Organisation Profile Technical services The formation of Technical Services Department for the staged and completely functional Port, considering the service requirements of Abu Dhabi Ports Company, will be an important concern because of [...]

English Versus Islamic and Chinese Tort Laws

Various legal systems in the world including the English Criminal Law and the Islamic Law comprise of comparable and dissimilar provisions of the Law of Torts owing to the uniqueness of the constitutional interpretation of [...]

Google in 2008

The paper also focuses on the corporate strategy of the company and in the end, it comes up with recommendations to increase its performance in the short run and in the long run.

Global Strategy in LEGO Group

Under these objectives, the firm studies the external and internal parameters that may aid or pose challenges to the attainment of the vision. The shorter the response time in the changes in the market, the [...]

Money Laundering and Terrorist Finance

However, the balance money after the sham gambling is transferred to another ordinary bank account, thereby creating a legal status for the laundered money as if it has come from gambling and will be employed [...]

The Discovery and Deciphering of the Atom

It has been a fascinating journey of humanity in the quest for knowledge by applying his inquisitive mind and experimentation across a range of disciplines that have led to the present-day understanding of the atoms [...]

Multicultural Diversity Conceptual Study

These include the meaning of multicultural diversity; brief theoretical framework of diversity; the aspects of multicultural diversity; the Impacts of Multicultural Diversity on organizational Work Groups; key factors that are significant in determining how successful [...]