4500 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

428 samples

Poor Leadership at J.C Penney

Some of the major operational characteristics of the business in the last decade are the sale of Eckerd Pharmacy locations in 2004, the discontinuation of its catalogue business in 2010, and the appointment of Ron [...]

United States of America

Apart from the impact of these varied opportunities, many significant aspects in the American history such as industrialization and formation of the initial states would also take place in the course of this period, making [...]

Foot Locker Marketing Plan

It is based on this that it can be seen that in roads into the Chinese market is a viable step for the company, one which would help to raise company revenues in light of [...]

Money Laundering In Russia

Despite these bills, money laundering remains a challenge to most economies due to the complexity of the techniques used in money laundering and the inability to stem out the illegitimate sources of money.

Airbus Strategic Management

This report is divided into three parts where the first part takes a look at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Airbus Company; the second part, looks at the external environment of the company [...]

Leadership Skills for the Future

The research findings also pointed out the fact that resourcefulness is an important thing for the establishment of the best leaders because when other factors are analyzed, they can only be confirmed as important elements [...]

SMP Iceberg Vodka

The basis of this report is to analyze the general marketing strategy of the business organization. The fundamental objective of the corporate strategy must remain on the maximization of the potential synergies.

Open Source Project

However, factors such as; support, poor documentation, issues of proprietary software's and legal challenges have noted as major problems affecting the operations and success of Open Source Project The term "Open Source" is a common [...]

E-Governance in Russia

Current "technological progression in communication as a result of the metamorphosis of the internet, have provided great avenues for transformation of the relationship that exists between governments and citizens in a new way, thus contributing [...]

Export Consultancy in UAE

With the demand of oil products increasing and the prices of oil products remaining high there is no way to stop the economy from the fast growth rate As indicated in the introduction, the objectives [...]

Aboriginal People Trauma

Motivated by these historical events in the lives of Aboriginals this research paper intends to investigate and explore the issue of Trauma among Aboriginals: how it originated, how it was facilitated, the impacts manifested through [...]

Social Alienation

This section of the paper explains the depth of the differences in eastern and western perceptions of social alienation and how the social, economic, and political structures of the east and the west affect their [...]

Problem of Child Abuse

The most common form of child abuse in America and in most parts of the world is child abuse. The cost of child abuse is dire to both the children, healthcare organizations, parents, and the [...]

Personal Action Research Plan

Rationale for choosing the Wondering Question The choice of the wondering question originates from the researcher's passion to improve or experiment the teaching strategies and teaching techniques which motivates students.

Identity Development Process

As noted by Ferrer-Wreder et al, the ability of adolescents to think and reason abstractively facilitates the development of their core competencies in their areas of interest, which is largely influenced by the environment they [...]

H&M Company: Procurement and Supply

H&M has to devote substantial attention to the ability of a supplier to ensure the quality and compliance with H&M's social responsibility strategy and the Code of Conduct. Simultaneously, it is vital to assess the [...]

Television in Emirati Culture

The UAE is the gateway of the Far East and western hemisphere throw a dynamic maritime linkage in ambition to welcome people all over the world to enjoy the cultural heritage of this region along [...]

How to Measure Innovation: DUBAL Company

Innovation measurement is vital for the organization as by dint of it the leaders can define if it can implement the changes needed to achieve success, meet the requirements of the personnel and the demands [...]

Media Art Film Studies: Avant Garde

Either way, it was the film manifestos, which dictated the comprehension of experimental films as well as the avant-garde films. In addition, the manifestos comprised of the initial film theories, which were existent within the [...]

Apple Company’s Operations

The cut- throat competition in the industry is proving to be disadvantageous to some of the players in the industry since the market has to be shared among all the companies.

Business Ethics: Enron

Objectives for the research Many scholars of different fields have already researched on the Enron scandal and the bankruptcy of this Corporation, but the prime objective of the writer of this research paper is to [...]

The Contemporary Lean Construction Problems

This assessment discusses the reasons and problems that may lead to the failure of any construction project and analyses these problems and their possible solutions, so that in the future, the project could be successful.

General Motors as Multinational Organization

A case study of General Motors is given as a good example to show how the culture of the business management, misunderstanding and cultural differences in the factories overseas caused the failures of the automobile [...]

Social Media Marketing and Brand Communication

In general, the field of social media marketing affects the vast majority of online resources applied by Internet users, and the implementation of the principles and methods of engaging customers by promoting products in this [...]

The ISO 9000 Quality Management Standards

The ISO 9001 which is the most commonly used quality management standard around the world is mostly used in contractual situations where the customer requests the supplier to demonstrate if they have the capability to [...]

The Market of the Beer Business Plan

The market of the beer products is analysed using the available marketing mix in France, as well as the segmentation of the market, positioning of the products and the targeted market.