500 Word Essay Examples + Topic Ideas. Page 8

4,108 samples

Student Discounts as a Marketing Tool

In the article, the benefits of student discounts to corporations are analyzed. Because student discounts can attract more students and their guardians, corporations will be able to gain several potential customers.

Multiple Intelligences Test Findings

It is important to note that such eight bits of intelligence as Kinaesthetic, Linguistic, Logical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Musical, Visual, and Naturalistic intelligence is typical for each person, but they can characterize the man's behaviors, attitudes, [...]

ABC Company Mismanagement

With the orientation of the recruits just around the corner, there is no time for Robins to obtain all documents on time. One of the main reasons for the series of mistakes was the inexperience [...]

Jonathan Moreno: Bioethics After the Terror

Based on the above facts, Jonathan Moreno in the article Bioethics after the Terror analyses the possible implications of bioethics that could result in tension in the field that has never witnessed major changes in [...]

Labor Issues: Employment at Will

The firing of employees has been in the rise due to the need for ensuring high performance. The principal is liable for the actions of an agent that lead to court suit if they are [...]

The Public Health Problems

Public health involves the prevention of diseases to prolong life and the promotion of good health of the people through some given guidelines or interventions. The purpose of this research is to explore how to [...]

“On New Democracy” by Mao Zedong

The difficulty of the struggle was exacerbated by the fact that Chinese society was traditionally feudal. This two-stage revolution was unique to China because it was being shaped by the characteristics of Chinese society.

Service Marketing: Food Market

The restaurant promised to solve the problem within the shortest period of time, but I was too hungry to wait for a new order, therefore, I agreed to eat what I was brought.

The Leadership of Sir Richard Branson

The effectiveness of meeting these objectives within the organization is a factor of the leadership style. This essay focuses on the article carried on the Business Insider about the leadership attributes of Sir Richard Branson, [...]

Iran in the 20th Century

As a result U.S.interests in the country declined resulting in a boycott of Iranian oil by the U.S.government and various U.S.based companies.

Primary and Secondary Data Use

Primary data is up to date and reliable while secondary data is easily available and utilized in forecasting and analyzing primary data, but it is not a proper fit for current market research.

Reducing Energy Usage

The development of the national grid led to a switch to electric power as the main source of energy.hydroelectric power and Wind power are yet to be utilized.

Incendies’ Film Analysis

One of the major promises in the film is Nawal's promise to find her son. It is possible to distinguish one of the points of no return at the beginning of the film when the [...]

Guinness and Heineken

On the other hand, there are those who are of the opinion that Heineken is the strongest brand due to its originality and previous awards that the brand received in the past.

The Norton Simon Museum Art Collection

The Norton Simon Museum is one of the most outstanding private art collection in the world. This scene is made more authentic with the luxurious weave of leaves, branches, and blossoms from the characters in [...]

E-Government: Policy Recommendations

Slow or stagnating economic growth; Little innovation and technological advancement; Significant "digital divide"; Growing water and environmental concerns; High dependence on natural resource exports; Little economic integration in the region; Weak governance and large [...]

Leadership Style: Ethics Culture

In this regard, a development-oriented leadership style ensures that employees' satisfaction is crucial before the execution of responsibilities. Also, Steve intolerance to the diversity of personalities is unethical and shows a lack of leadership integrity.

Procter & Gamble Industry Forecast Evaluation

The overheads are prone to modifications because of the variations in prices of goods, inputs in the form of raw materials, wages, depreciation and appreciation of the currency, and interest rates which determine the availability [...]

The Neglect of the Elderly

In this context, elderly neglect is the failure of caregivers to discharge their responsibility appropriately. Thirdly, caregivers and other people working with the elderly should be given proper recognition to boost their morale.

Reading Acquisition Theories

The views shares some similarities and differences, this is because cognitive and metacognitive views are developed theories from traditional reading view. However unlike cognitive reading, metacognitive reading involves analyzing the text systemically.