550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 108

18,509 samples

National Geographic: The 2020 Monsoon

The main reason for the landslide was the increase in rainfall which triggered the movements of the slopes. In addition, the geological properties of the land could warn them of the possible mass wasting.

Prisons as Mental Health Institutions

The following list contains the group's goals: Identification of the cause of unfavorable circumstances; Resolution of legal disputes regarding the perpetrators; Help the victim to improve their living conditions; Achieving the payment of a fine [...]

Sustainability Program in Business

A sustainability program is a step-by-step guide that outlines the associated metrics and actions that help a business achieve its goals and convey its sustainability narrative. The potential to contact and connect high-level administrators is [...]

Racial Prejudice in the US Society

As they leave, the government begins ignoring these places in favor of others, leading to dilapidation and ultimately stagnant growth or even a reversal of the safety and other features that led people of color [...]

Copyrights in the Digital World

The Constitution gives a clear-cut idea of copyrights and protects people from the theft that pertains to the given field. As a person who recognizes the effort put into this type of work, I believe [...]

Patient Preference and Clinical Expertise

First, holism entails a holistic understanding of the patient's needs, where physicians incorporate their comprehension of the patients in treating them. Often, the conflict arises when patients fail to realize the extent of information in [...]

Modernism in Art: Themes and Techniques

Scientific advancements that made them doubt the stability of the "actual" world and the accuracy of experience strengthened their views. However, Modernism appeared primarily as a protest against the old values and ideals, thereby challenging [...]

Low-Income African-American Caregivers

The hypothesis was not explicitly stated but it is clear that the researcher hypnotized that these people have negative experience due to the lack of understanding form the side of school staff that is primarily [...]

Twelve – Imam Shīʿism

As a result, they are in a position to provide guidance to many; Mohammed is believed to have originated from Abraham's family, whereby Abraham is known as the founder of the Ka'bah.

Think Tank Positions on Gun Control

It is known that the arbitrary usage of the weapon brings irrecoverable losses and undermines the confidence in safe living. It is doubtful whether the professionals will come to the house of the potential offender [...]

Feminist Theory and Its Application

Alice Walker advocated for the rights of women of color at the end of the 20th century, creating a feminist branch named womanism. The feminist theory is one of the most known and popular theories [...]