550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 36

18,509 samples

Sandra Cisneros’ Life and Work

Cisneros was the only daughter in a family of seven children, and they often traveled from Mexico to the United States, as her father was involved in upholstery, which demanded constant movement between the two [...]

White Collar Crimes Focus

The notion of the white-collar crime can be used when referring to an extensive array of the criminal activities. Nevertheless, the criminal has to be aware of the criminal liability and realize the consequences of [...]

Curator: Definition and Examples

While the time frame of the identified role is typically restricted by the deadline of the exhibition, a curator may also assume the role of a keeper of artworks in the museum and not in [...]

Modernist Painting: Critical Anthology

In his publication "Modernist Painting," Clement Greenberg proves that the deficiency of figurativeness inherent in the contemporary modernist painting is the result of the art self-development instead of impacts made by social and historic factors.

Ways of Punishing Offenders

There are many causes of punishment; people are punished because of their mistakes or crimes. Even though some forms of punishment are severe, their purpose is to enable people to realize their faults and change [...]

The ELITE Team Development

This paper will discuss the main stages of the development of the ELITE team and explain the main predictive factors of its success. Forming was the first stage of the development of the ELITE team.

Racial Prejudice in China

Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has been considered as the world's superpower nation. Just like other Confucian states, China is viewed as a societal institution; this brings in the [...]

International Migration Flows Studies

Globally, America is one of the countries in the world that receives the largest number of immigrants. Indeed, most immigrants relocated to America for reasons associated with labor are motivated by the economic and financial [...]

Crime Prevention and Control Effectiveness

Another aspect that needs to be acknowledged is that it is impossible to avoid all of the crimes because some individuals will participate in such activities even if it is dangerous and significant risks are [...]

Minimum Wage in California and Other States

This paper aims to explore the minimum wage in the state of California as well as the significance of independent minimum wages for separate states and the conditions of workers in outsourced companies.

Legislation of Manager-Employee Relations

Among the laws that have seriously advanced relations between managers and employees, one can highlight the Norris-LaGuardia Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Whistleblower Protection Act. The main purpose of the Norris-LaGuardia Act [...]