550 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 43

18,509 samples

The Future of Nursing

This discussion analyzes one of the key messages presented in the report, a major barrier and the best strategy to deal with it, and how the proposed issues will affect practice.

The Fair Labor Standards Act

One of the key provisions of the FLSA is the workers' eligibility for overtime pay. On May 12th, 2016, a complaint was filed by Steven Derrick to the Houston Division of the Southern District of [...]

Change Management: ADKAR Model

The creation and implementation of a changing view present the most important stage in the model because it forms the basis for the whole process, and the outcome of the initiative depends on the success [...]

Carper’s Patterns of Knowing

The purpose of the established team was to offer evidence-based and holistic care to the patient. The underlying reason for the above situation was the fact that I had failed to embrace the team nursing [...]

The Role of Talk in Learning

The contributions of theorists such as Barnes, Mercer, and Alexander to the improvement of teaching methods lay the groundwork for the continuous implementation of dialogic teaching on a wide-scale basis within the education system.

Recommendation for Implementing Change

Before initiating the process, every individual should be aware of the importance of the needed change. My friend should, therefore, consider the above insights in order to implement change successfully in his organization and maximize [...]

The Immortals Army of Persian Empire

The caravan was in charge of food supplies, which was unusual for the army, and of alongside attendants and concubines responsible for the well-being of the Persian Immortals before and after battles.

Management of Recruitment and Retention

In this paper, special attention will be paid to such ideas as the establishing of flexible work schedules, employee empowerment through life-long learning, and communication encouragement for managers to succeed in recruitment and retention of [...]

Why Should the Penny Be Retired?

This paper argues that the penny should be eliminated due to several reasons: pennies they are useless, they harm the environment, and they cost the government and taxpayers money. Also, pennies are harmful to the [...]

Ethical Dilemma Involving a Social Worker

As a social worker, I have to decide whether to support the community group, which is unanimously opposed to the decision of the housing authorities to rent to the local mental health department to establish [...]

Skin Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

In order to prevent the incidence of skin cancer, the patients are recommended to undergo regular cancer screenings. Thus, following the suggested recommendations is expected to reduce the incidence of skin cancer among patients.

Immigrant’ Cultural Anthropology Issues

Although epidemiological research into the establishment of nation-states demonstrates that America was built by immigrants, particularly the British immigrants, those who have been to the 'land of opportunity' would readily attest to the fact that [...]