750 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 6

1,651 samples

Red, White, Black by Gary Nash

The period of colonial America was covered by the power of money; the financial aspect played a crucial role in war and voyages."Once the Spanish found gold and silver, a wholesome rush of enterprising young [...]

The Concept About Saliva

Saliva is perceived as a part of a personality, sharing which is a unique parting with a valuable piece of one's body; a belief that saliva is likely to cause conception is also popular in [...]

A Hisrory of the Tenth Crusade

However, to trigger the new warfare, he would have to consider the reasons for failure in the previous Crusades, as well as the current situation, including the condition of the resources and the public mood.

The Oil Spill in the Gulf

This issue becomes even more serious given the reality that the company that is responsible for the spill as well as the government has not managed to control the spill.

Art Under the Nazis Review

The main reason for their dislike for modern art and expressionism was the feeling that it was against ideals that they considered to be of Germany heritage. For example in the Nazis case, propaganda was [...]

Consulting Discussion Members Responsibilities

A business management consulting company may be divided into key departments that are required for a full-fledged company performance: Training Team Analysis Team Marketing and Promotion Financial department Customer care The training department involves trainers [...]

How to Write a Resume

To critique any given content regardless of the mode, the following elements need to be focused: the content of the essay or the resume, one has also to consider the organizational structure of the resume, [...]

Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Disease

The task, therefore, is for patients of cardiovascular conditions to avoid developing affective states that will undoubtedly facilitate psychological stress and depressive episodes while ensuring that they develop desirable health behaviors.

Women in the Moso Community

This is because women in the Moso community are given the authority over family, they manage the wealth of the family, they co own the property of the family, they are the ones who take [...]

Challenges of Special Populations

The present paper aims at assessing the unique needs of juvenile offenders with mental illnesses in comparison with their adult counterparts and identifying effective strategies for their rehabilitation. The general requirement that applies to both [...]

Mental Disorders of Veteran Students

In case the client does not make her appointments and think of additional methods to encourage her. Other information: The client's primary strengths are family, success in her military service, positive relationships with her boyfriend, [...]

Trails to Success: Bank of America

On analyzing the strategy of work of Bank of America and the requirements set for the applicants, it is possible to state that professional skills are the basis of a successful career in banking.