800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide. Page 63

7,675 samples

“On the Subway” Poem by Sharon Olds

It should be stressed that the author strived to disclose the atmosphere of fear and silence not through the characters, but through the title; the subway is not described in the poem, but all its [...]

Brand Analysis-Apple

Apple is a technology company that has been named among the most valuable brands in the world. It manufactures both mobile phones and computers.

Should Women Go to Work?

At one time restricted from work, then encouraged to work and then restricted again, women discovered there was more to life than sacrificing any hopes of making a change in society in preference for the [...]

Bipolar Disorder in Clinical Practice

Therefore, for proper treatment, a professional therapist must follow the psychiatric diagnostic criteria for the disorder. Depression and mania, or a combination of the two, are hallmarks of bipolar disorder, a serious, long-term psychiatric condition.

Rembrandt Van Rijn: Biography and Drawings

The work is perceived as dynamic and creates a sense of immersion in the era in which Rembrandt worked. It is possible that Rembrandt wanted to show the typical fashion of the era in which [...]

A Gas Leak Incident in Bhopal in 1984

The article titled The Incident, Response and Settlement by the Bhopal Information Center briefly explains the circumstances surrounding the accident and then goes ahead to explain the necessary steps that were taken by the company [...]

Rollerblade Corporation Micro-Environment

The company has invested in investment in skating footwear and other apparels, in 2009, the company introduced the Fila carving skates, with active steering technology which are skating shoes with high levels of comfort.

How Chernobyl Affected Animals?

The purpose of the memo is to understand better how Chernobyl affected animals and how their genetics have changed over time in the radioactive area. Animals have shown adaptive responses to the changes in the [...]

The Taxation Regulations in Panama and Luxemburg

The author emphasizes the problem of insufficient effectiveness of the blacklisting approach to regulating tax avoidance by states directing the attention of the research to the criteria used for blacklisting in the context of postcolonialism.

Apple Case: Company’s Performance

The company recorded the highest income by hitting a historic high of $705 following the late entry of the Steve Jobs into Apple Inc.as the chief executive officer. One of the strategies that the company [...]