2 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 146

35,450 samples

Anubis: The Statuette of the Egyptian God

The mission of Anubis was to guide the souls of the recently dead people through the underworld. This art object is masterfully carved and color-coded, especially the clothing of Anubis that has a rhombus pattern.

The Shaka Triad Sculpture

The sculpture of the Shaka triad has a mandorla, which has an inscription providing a piece of essential information about the date, the author, donors, and the circumstances in which the statue was created.

Improving Company Performance

If a company's goal is to increase performance and effectiveness, it is crucial to ensure that all of its associates are involved in the process of improvement.

Supply Chain for Dough Pizza

It will be necessary to arrange trustworthy relationships with suppliers, warehouses, and delivery services at local and international levels to maximize the quality of the final product and reach the highest level of customer satisfaction.

The Toshiba Accounting Scandal

According to Misawa, the new CEO of the company issued a public apology to the shareholders and stakeholders and promised a return to the founding principles of the organization.

Edward Weston’s Modernist Photographs

More attention should be paid to the analysis of Weston's photographs and the comparison of their style to my photographs. The object in my black-and-white photograph looks like a kind of tubes, which texture is [...]

On the Definition of Nursing

This included assessing the environments and factors that contribute to one's health, which is reflective of the modern approach to nursing. It highlights the importance of different factors that contribute to one's health.

Alibaba: The Yangtze River Crocodile

The main environmental opportunities and threats for Alibaba are the situation in the global labor market, the relationship with the Chinese government, and the activities of global competitors.

Student Loans and Financial Stress

One of the remarkable peculiarities of modern American society is the understanding of the value of higher education. In conclusion, it is necessary to state that the government should start playing a more active role [...]

Sony Pictures Hack: The Criminals Won

Sony's CEO would have to evaluate the risk of releasing the film without changes and compare the outcomes that this move would have in regards to the company's reputation with the overall strategic vision.

Rome and the Invention of the West

In " The Aeneid," Virgil tells of the adventures of the hero of the Trojan war, Aeneas, who was destined by the gods to stay alive after the destruction of Troy to come to Italy [...]

From World War to Cold War

The end of World War significantly shifted the balance of power in Europe and globally, leaving a void that both the United States and the Soviet Union sought to fulfill.

The RCA Team: Root Cause Analysis

The RCA team in the examined case includes three people: the risk manager, the RN who works in the involved unit full-time, and the technician who works at the pharmacy.

International Human Laws Definition

Thus, the use of IHL, which still emphasizes the humane treatment of people not involved in military action, is not contradictory to the guidelines of IHRL. All in all, the development of IHRL and IHL [...]

A Nurse Overcoming Challenging Situation

Regarding my individual practice, I happened to experience a situation that influenced my further professional priorities significantly and, in many respects, determined the nature of my attitude to emerging problems and the worldview in general.