4 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 67

18,783 samples

Controversy Around Medical Marijuana Legalization

The consideration of the problem of marijuana legalization from the perspective of public safety involves such points as crime rates and traffic accidents. The fact of economic benefits of the Cannabis legalization is also apparent: [...]

The Marketing Segmentation Concept

The concept of marketing segmentation implies that the business or the company will evaluate the market and segment it in the groups of those who are most likely to become their customers.

Thales vs Anaximander Philosophy

The Milesian philosophers, Thales and Anaximander, advanced a rational or scientific explanation for the metaphysical elements of the universe that departed from the mytho-poetic reasoning of the time.

Egoism and Altruism as Ethical Theories

While ethical egoism holds that individuals act in a way aimed at pursuing and fulfilling their own interests, altruism emphasizes on the need for others to act in the interest of other people as well [...]

Confucianism in China and Japan

Most of the ancient Chinese sages had a metaphysical view of the world before the introduction of Confucianism. First, the Japanese people adopted the Chinese concept of Confucianism and developed it to be more social.

Lloyd’s Company and Its Syndicates

This leads to the establishment of various businesses and organisations that do not directly deal with the buying and selling of goods and services. Policyholders contribute this capital in terms of premiums according to the [...]

Sustainable and Last Chance Tourism

Sustainable tourism can simply be described as the practice of protecting the environmental aspects and culture of a particular community, while at the same time ensuring the benefits of tourism are enjoyed presently and in [...]

Public Negligence in Crisis Times

This opened a debate about the role of public in managing crisis Above is an example of incidence that happened and victim was left to die while the public was witnessing the murder. The nature [...]

Eukaryotic Pathogens Characteristics

The purpose of this experiment is to observe the characteristics of eukaryotic pathogens, including protozoa, fungi and helminthes; to be able to distinguish between different organisms, and apply the results in the field of microbiology. [...]

“Aurora” by Junot Diaz

Both the dominant role and the level of authority exercised by Yunior's father and his observations of the older boys' attitudes towards the girls share the same set of characteristics and thus can be linked [...]