8 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count. Page 20

5,887 samples

Ancient China Unification

The key factor in the unification of the Chinese people is their adherence to the standardized belief system employed by the empire.

Olga Belyaeva Art and Themes

In the present epoque of post-modernism, the characteristic feature of life on the whole and art, in particular, is the quality of intertextuality, a special alloying of the cultural achievements of the past in the [...]

Immigration Laws in Arizona State

Currently, the issue of illegal immigration in the USA heavily dominates USA political forum, the Congress body and even the policy agenda in the federal government and even the states' government.

360-Degree Feedback Concept

The use of 360-degree feedback helps in team development in that; team members learn to work together efficiently. Many organizations no longer take the responsibility of career development for their employees and have left it [...]

The City of God

But despite the fact that the changes came very soon and caught people unawares, the bravest summoned up their courage and found the spirits to struggle against the invasion of the barbarians, their hope nestling [...]

Godfather: Central Themes of the Film

Making a striking contrast to the cool-blooded murder which is happening outside the church, the scene of baptism also serves as the means to highlight the key idea of the book, driving the conflict between [...]

Abortion’s Pros and Cons

Abortion, if legalized would curb unnecessary maternal deaths, in that, it would be done in the open and mothers would not be afraid of consulting qualified personnel for the same.

Verizon Company Analysis

Infrastructure costs and government policies significantly controlled the development of the telecommunication industry, and this scenario pushed companies into mergers and acquisitions in a calculated bid to stay in the market. The mission and vision [...]

Translation and Its Effects on Languages

It begins with a historical contextualizing discussion of the political and social climate of the Middle Ages through the Reformation and the events that eventually lead up to the translation of the Latin bible into [...]

Karl Marx Life History

However, the Prussian authorities censored the newspaper that he was an editor, after his continued attacks on the Prussian leadership, forcing him to relocate to Paris in 1843.

ligopoly in Daily Life

In this type of market structure, "the market is comprised of a large number of small market players offering identical products". Moreover, the market is characterized by the existence of perfect knowledge of the products' [...]

VPN Security Vulnerabilities

The functionality, security protocols, and management policies of the network facilitate the safe and secure dissemination of information among users. It facilitates the creation of a virtual dialup private network that connects users to other [...]

Starbucks Corporation Detail Analysis

Starbucks' weights are the headship in the marketplace of a coffee industry, and its prime standing and representation. Starbucks clienteles are happy with the excellence and taste of the corporation's domain epicure coffees.

Innovating New Value for Customers

Day and Christine Moorman, is a complex process because it explores the unknown and involves trial-and-error processes and risks. The case of a leading firm in hydraulic elevator systems shows how innovation is elusive even [...]

Remix Culture on the Internet

Thus, it is inevitable for a remix to face legal issues when a part of the original piece is copied, adapted, or reproduced without the agreement and permission of the copyright owner through a Creative [...]

The Armenian Diaspora in France

This was the case among the Armenians who were forced to flee from their homeland by the genocide of 1915. The term "Diaspora" is appropriate for the Armenians living outside the Republic of Armenia since [...]