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Fever: The Noninfectious Etiology

The article Noninfectious Causes of Fevers in adults by Steele, Franco-Paredes, and Chastain summarizes that when a fever is detected in hospitalized patients, health workers begin immediate antibiotic treatment without determining the cause of the [...]

Career Field in Psychology: Counselor

Degree programs, for instance, in child abuse counseling teach graduates about protecting children from abuse, how to recognize signs of abuse, methods of counseling and expected challenges during counseling.

Aspirin and Heart Attacks Relations

Research studies have demonstrated aspirin is the recommended drug for secondary prevention of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. 2Research studies have demonstrated that aspirin is effective in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The Future Outcomes for Humanity

The Swedish philosopher and the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University Nick Bostrom, in his essay The Future of Humanity, sketches out four possible scenarios of humanity's fate. And now, [...]

In Defense of Transracialism

Tuvel tries to find a balance between Jenner, who underwent a transgender person, to Rachel Dolezal, who had a white origin and transform to black and identifies herself as black.

Compton Gangster Rap Overview

Artists such as NWA, Compton's Most Wanted, and DJ Quik wrote songs that provide the listener with a chance to learn about the struggles of African Americans in the city of Compton.

“I Want a Wife” by Brady

This essay is appropriate for the audience of feminist publishing because it contains the opinion that reflects the women's thoughts that understand the inequality that exists. It means that the narrator describes the concept of [...]

A Poem for a Girl That I Like

I met a girl by the name of Joud, A radiant girl from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia With medium height 5'5 inches An impeccable young lass aged 21 Of ravishing beauty, Let alone her exquisite character, [...]

Aspects of Ecosystems

Finally, the construction of large dams and levees makes a significant contribution to changes in the landscape and natural areas. This, in turn, leads to changes in water chemistry and reductions in the biodiversity of [...]

The Issue of Climate Change

The only confirmed facts are the impact of one's culture and community on willingness to participate in environmental projects, and some people can refuse to join, thereby demonstrating their individuality.

The Development of Economic Thought

The economic model has undergone a radical metamorphosis since the eighteenth century, many inspired by the work of John Maynard Keynes, who described the possibilities of using fiscal and monetary policies of the state to [...]

Learning Styles Assessment

When speaking of active learning as the most suitable approach to the process, it stands for one's tendency to perceive information better when cooperating with others and experimenting with things instead of reflecting on the [...]

Experiencing Rome as an Immigrant

While often entering the city as slaves, the immigrants of Rome were given the opportunities to succeed in life. From Mary Beard's description of immigrants' lives in Ancient Rome, the experience seems similar to immigrants [...]

Jusepe de Ribera’s Paintings

The subject matter is part of a series of portraits of philosophers that Ribera completed for the Prince of Lichtenstein. This painting shows the skill of the artist in portraying a human face and form [...]

Poverty in Africa

These pictures have been published online to show the world the gravity of the poverty situation in the African continent. The pictures represent the suffering of majority of the African people as a result of [...]