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The Digestive System and Its Functions

That is why the proper functioning of the human digestive system serves as the basis for full-fledged life support during the main processes in the digestive tract. In the oral cavity, food enters the throat, [...]

Creativity in Leadership

While the structure and stability of leadership are necessary, the most progressive leaders have shown to be creative and innovative in a manner that challenged traditional methods and patterns of management.

Imperialist Global Order After World War I

Thus, the general trend of the after-war years was the dismantling of multiethnic empires and the establishment of new nation-states. However, World War I also created new challenges to the existing hierarchies of wealth and [...]

Australian Architecture in Modern History

The building of Newman College is one of Griffins' creations that perfectly reflect the peculiarities of their style. The building of Newman College has numerous unusual forms and shapes that contribute to the creation of [...]

The Turtle Evolution Concept

However, recent developments in the field of evolutionary biology led some scientists to believe that the purpose of the 'shell' was different at first. On the contrary, wide and thick ribs allowed the ancestor of [...]

Free Speech in the First Amendment

The first amendment of the Constitution states, "Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the [...]

Red Blood Cells: Debunking Health Myths

When the kidneys detect a decrease in the level of oxygen under circulation through the blood, they produce a hormone known as erythropoietin, which in turn activates the differentiation of various precursor cells for RBCs. [...]