1400-Word Essay Examples. Page 12

3,531 samples

Models of Ethical Decisions

Given the intense rivalry between the two brothers on who to donate the kidney to the ailing dad, and the chilling revelation of their mother on the paternity of the younger brother, it is convenient [...]

The Rise and Fall of Tammany Hall

Apart from political control and helping Irish immigrant society, Tammany hall was a governance hall recognized especially when it took place in the elections that were held in the year 1854, which made Fernando Wood [...]

Watching TV: Is It Good or Bad?

The general perceptions and explanations that are attributed to the effects of television in the social life tend to incline on the negative aspects thereby disregarding the other factors that bring about the positive effects [...]

Mahatma Gandhi’s Leader Style

Introduction Mahatma Gandhi is a honorific and a surname of the leader of the Indian independence movement, who was an outstanding person in India when it was ruled by Britain and now is known all over the world. His true name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, but people from his native country call him the “father […]

The Free Software Movement

Among the examples of significant social movements in history is the Free Software movement, which led to the development of GNU/Linux and other free and open-source software products.

Edmund Kemper: The Serial Killer

Kemper committed most of the murders in one year and confessed to his crimes only after he killed his mother. However, in a short time, Kemper decides to stop and report on his crimes to [...]

Analysis Bloodstain Pattern in Investigation

The relatively modern case in which blood spatter analysis was of the essence to the prosecution was one of David Camm.At 9.30 p.m, Camm telephoned Sellersburg, Indiana State Police station and claimed that three members [...]

The Immigration in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, in particular, is a noteworthy case study subject due to its history as the center of the UAE government and its corresponding influence on the question of immigration in the nation.

Dietary Salt Assessment

The mention of these components is not accidental since it is with them that the increased risks of CVD and hypertension are caused. Besides, the daily intake of salt and sodium in the UAE is [...]

The Present-day World of Biotechnology

There are a number of companies which stand on the top bracket of the biotechnology research, however, Boigen, Genzyme, Amgen, Genentech, and Monsanto are the largest of the companies in the U.S.