2200-Word Essay Examples. Page 14

2,919 samples

Doing Business with Brazil

This paper explores how differences and similarities in culture between Brazil and the United States of America can affect international business between these two countries taking into account the costs of doing business in Brazil, [...]

Going global, Acting local

On the other hand, it is believed by Mangena and Brent that product globalization entail sourcing of services and goods from various locations around the world in order to take advantage of differences in terms [...]

Sustainability Performance Assessment

Geographically, the site is established directly northwest of the Central Station with Elizabeth Street to the West, Albion Street to the North, Mary Street to the East and Foveaux Street to the South.

Gender and Consumer Culture

In order to perpetuate a consumer culture, advertisements need to focus on the psychology of the recipient rather than the virtues of the product. In conclusion, Gender is a concept that captures the intersection of [...]

The Oil and Gas Industry

The applications of information technology and other innovations in exploration and production of oil and gas have equipped the sector with the required practices and equipment for continuous efficiency in production of oil and gas [...]

Blade Runner Through Lens of Anthropology

This paper investigates the movie from the perspective of anthropology in an attempt to uncover the connections between human anthropology and Blade Runner's repercussions and reflections on replicants. Obviously, superiority results in the enslavement or [...]

Characteristics of Organizational Culture

In every organization, the impacts of organization culture are dependent on the cultural structures adopted. Just like the consultative leadership style, participative leadership styles enable an organization to maximize on their employees' experiences, skills, and [...]

Concept of Employee Satisfaction

It is the assumption of this study that, job satisfaction is connected to the degree development and the number of new tasks associated with a job that make it interesting thus resulting in a far [...]

Economic Factors on the Stock Market

The proponents of the integration approach peg their arguments on the capacity of international factors to be crucial in influencing returns on equities on the aspects of the equality of risk of premiums across all [...]

“Aliens” Movie

However, despite the debates, the quality of the acting has remained as one of the best during the time of acting. This is in a way a forerunner to Ripley's own fighting of the queen [...]

Interpersonal Relationships

The level of interdependence among partners in interpersonal relationships allows for the influx of opinions, thoughts and feelings but the success and longevity of interpersonal relationships basically thrives on communication as a basic component, determining [...]

Christian Theological Entities

In other aspects, the term describes a community of protestant churches whose hallmark lies in their contrarian approach to theological and doctrinal interpretation of scriptures and Christian beliefs. Catholicism should learn and appreciate the importance [...]

The Berlin Wall History

In 1960, the East Germany exodus now totaling to millions of civilians was predictably damaging to the political integrity and economic capability of East Germany, making it vital to fortify its borders with the west, [...]

Sweatshop Concept in Human Resource Management

Initially, such an eventual development was triggered by the rise of the union-movement in these countries, which in turn was made possible by the fact that, at the time, the very existence of the USSR [...]

Lubricants Oil Production in Refineries

Despite being various categories of the lube oil as mentioned earlier in the project, mineral lube oil from petroleum is the commonly preferred lubricating oil to the synthetic lube oil.Fig.showing lubricating oil The history of [...]

The Quality of Leadership Strategy

Therefore, the technique has contributed to the development of a sense of identity amongst the firm's employees. The adoption of the talent leadership strategy is aligned with the company's strategy and go-to-the-market needs.

Management-Employee Misalignment and Performance Implications

The following will form the specific objectives: Critically evaluate the sources of management-employee misalignment within the industry; Critically evaluate the performance implications occasioned by management-employee misalignment within the industry; Critically evaluate the industry's best practices [...]

History and Modern Day Reasons

The paper argues that the absence of goodwill from the political leadership, the absence of inspiration by the citizens, and a collective unbelief by the citizenry that Haiti can rise up from its poor state [...]

Security: Domestic Imbalance in the UAE

A number of opportunities are available that can perhaps play a role in resolving the problem, including strengthening the country's intelligence, restructuring the immigration policies to meet the international standards, and empowering the local security [...]

Violence Against Women

Alternatively, in creating awareness, the international communities use instances of negative effects of violence on women's rights to sway the public to shun violation against women.

Surrealism Development

The text, which was written with a great deal of absurdist humor, has references to several precursors of Surrealism that represented the Surrealist spirit before the declaration of the manifesto and the works of other [...]