2200-Word Essay Examples. Page 9

2,919 samples

OECD-GLP Guidelines: Toxicological Tests

During and after the duration of exposure, the observational studies, biochemical analyses, hematological tests, and histological studies that were conducted on the rats show that the biological responses in the rats did not differ significantly [...]

Chemistry of Antidepressants

The genetic factor attached to family lines also plays a very important role in the cause of depression. The desire to achieve the best through seeking utmost perfection in one's undertaking is a known cause [...]

Budgeting Analysis Questions

This is one of the limitations of the annual budgets, which push the modern business managers to adopt beyond budgeting approach of budgeting. This limits the ability of the managers to respond quickly to the [...]

Budgeting Process Conceptual Study

The essay also discusses ways in which the traditional budgeting process may be seen as a barrier to the achievement of the aims of each of the following models for the implementation of strategic change [...]

Developing Art and Audiences

This essay will discuss the economic and cultural importance of culture brought about by creativity as well as how to measure and assess the various economic impacts of cultural art. Instrumental value is the use [...]

Productivity Improvement in Industries

Most industries have used the number of finished products manufactured within their premises and actually later sold, as the major measurement of productivity implying that, the higher the number of finished parts produced and sold [...]

Hotel Industry: Choosing the Right Location

The prices of commodities should directly proportional to the Quantity and the quality of goods and services offered, therefore, once a new hotel is established it to avoid unfair competition, it should offer almost similar [...]

Genocide: Darfur and Rwanda Cases

When examining the case of Darfur, it can be noted that three specific factors prevented "true justice" from being administered, these encompass: the abstained votes from the U.S.and China in voting for a resolution for [...]

Work Environment for Students

Whichever manner the training is done and irrespective of who undertakes it, the aim should be to support ethical behavior in the organization. Therefore, a conducive environment is required to support ethical behavior in the [...]

The A-10 and Combat Environments

The necessity of retaining the A-10 model as a means of saving people during a battle or an air attack is predetermined by the specifics of the aircraft's design, particularly, the horizontal stabilizer.

The Theory of Comfort in Nursing

It was during Kolcaba's master studies that she took a position of a head-nurse in an Alzheimer's unit and became interested in the outcomes of comfort, and decided to impart a theoretical shape to the [...]

Tesco PLC Strategic Analysis

The environment involves demographics, which is the age, the gender, standard of living, and the rates of employment as well as the education of people living in a particular area.

Marine Corps Logistics Project

In the process of implementing this project, it is important to have a clear schedule of the specific activities that will be undertaken in order to ensure that the project is completed successfully.

Efficient Change in Organizations

Other examples of changes that have affected the performance of businesses today include the phenomenal growth of the Internet and the emergence of technologies that affect how work is performed within the organization, global climate [...]

Poverty and Domestic Violence

It is based on this that in the next section, I have utilized my educational experience in order to create a method to address the issue of domestic violence from the perspective of a social [...]

Maintenance Management Systems Innovation

The implementation of the Maximo system will improve the efficiency with which the firm undertakes maintenance management on its system. Despite the Petronas' commitment to implementing the Maximo system, the efficiency of the system in [...]

Alliance Boots Marketing Metrics

However, the availability of customer information over the past few decades has led to the formulation of new metrics that assist managers to develop a comprehensive understanding of individual customer and the value of a [...]

Biological Anthropology: Hominid Evolution

In other words, similar methods used in the study of evolution are also to understand the lifestyle of the hominids. Further, the fossils evidence have been applied in the understanding of the gradual changes that [...]