2600 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 2

847 samples

Origins of the Cold War

The Cold War was the repercussion of World War II following the emergence of two key supremacy blocs in Europe one of which was subjugated by ideologies of the democracy of the capitalist America.

Eco Gas Station and Convenience Store

The name of the organization will be called ECO fuel station The main organizational goals are: To start and operate a profitable business in the fuel service sector To ensure that customers are well satisfied [...]

Gender and Diversity in the Workplace

The modern world of human resource management seems to have changed significantly and as policies and regulations change, the need to reconsider workplace gender equity and diversity has received considerable attention across organizations.

Gender Propagation in Titanic Miniseries

In spite of the film indicating that the people travelling in the Titanic are divided based on their social status, the film goes ahead to show a high level of interaction among the different classes [...]

History of Disaster Films

This is the fundamental difference between the disaster films of 1950s and the present day films that are more of hybrid genre. The historical events captured in disaster films showed how a disaster happened and [...]

Bellperre: Marketing Strategy

The marketer underscored the perception that the issues relating to life changing products play an integral role in the formation of marketing identity of the sophisticated electronics such as the mobile phones.

IT Challenges in Management

Similarly, there is a need for the bank to have in place a set of strategies that will help address concerns of customers hence making the business stable It is worth noting that the model [...]

Teaching Mathematics

What is amiss in this case is the fact that despite the fact that the politicians are seeking what seems to be the best for the pupils, it should be left to the technocrats and [...]

Quality Teaching

Education is a fundamental requirement for the development and ultimate advancement of the community and educators and policy makers are constantly looking for educational structure and practices that will increase the effectiveness of the education [...]

Supply Chain Game

0 1,402 Order point: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse. 0 1,409 Order point: Calopeia factory to Sorange warehouse.

Rationale Investment Portfolio

65 $15,000 Rationale behind Investment For the uninitiated Activision Blizzard is considered to be one of the best companies within the gaming industry to date with games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2 and [...]

Better World Books

The discussions also centered on the necessary compensations to be granted to other non-profit partners for their tireless contributions towards BWB's goal and the strategies necessary for handling inflow and outflow of the used books.

Adoption of M-learning Technology

Based on the challenges and responses given by educators, regarding the adoption of M-learning, this paper predicts that more educators will adopt the M learning technology beyond the current integration of learning processes.

Trade Unions in Employment Relations

Within the sphere of employment relations, states working in collaboration with the employers form and set mechanisms that see the introduction of collective bargaining approaches in matters relating to the interests of the parties represented [...]

Cross Culture Management

The salaries paid to the employees should be comparable, both within the firm and in the industry. Communication audits should be performed in order to measure the effectiveness of the strategy.

Leadership: Alan Keith

To begin with, he is a pioneering character in the organisation in the sense that he often has the guts to explore the untapped opportunities.

The independent learning method

In this definition, Cobb seems to combine all the above definitions since he mentions both acquisition of knowledge and the impact of this in making students more informed and concerning the changing of their lifestyles [...]

Education in Taiwan under Japanese Rule

Further on, this paper shall highlight the development of education under Japanese rule and the influence of the education system in Taiwan in this era both to the colonizers and to the colonized.

Poor Interoffice Communication

Therefore, the overall performance of any organization depends on the effectiveness of communication between the various offices. This prevents the delivery of mixed messages that contributes to poor interoffice communication.

Employee Training or Development

A proper needs assessment approach ensures that the training programs are not only effective, but also cost-effective and reflective of the goals of the organization and those of the trainee.

Leadership and Motivation – Carlos Ghosn

The purpose of this paper is to present a discussion of theories and concepts of leadership in current multinational businesses using the leadership style of Carlos Ghosn as a benchmark for effective leadership in the [...]

The Dubai Quality Award

In addition to recognizing the top achievers in the various sectors, both private and public, the award aims to foster a culture of excellence by inciting the players in the industry to aspire to continually [...]

Pursuit of Happiness Film Analysis

Thus, while the film centers on the theme of "pursuit of happiness," this paper shows that the film distorts the concept of happiness to represent the orientation of earthly goods through which our reality revolves [...]

Internet and E-Business

Managers have often attributed the success of their business to the adoption of IT and many more say that IT has helped their businesses grow and become more efficient because it integrates their data processing [...]

Latin America Colonization Period

The arrival of Europeans changed the lives of the indigenous population through many ways; for example, there was a massive decline in the population of the indigenous people due to numerous European diseases that they [...]

Jewish History and Religious Studies

However, scholars strongly believe that the notions and beliefs of many Jews played a significant role in the establishment of Christianity in the first century. The followers of Judaism and Christianity during the period were [...]

Apple’s iBook Using in Schools

Thus, it can be stated that the iBook helps both the teachers and the students create a library of their choice This application has improved the education sector and learning process as through the embracement [...]

Managing Supply Chain of Nokia

Supply chain of an organization is the system of all the activities and resources that are involved in transferring a product from the supplier to the consumers, it is the transformation of the raw materials [...]

Pepsi Company

The complex nature of the supply chain makes it more difficult for companies to answer basic questions involving the nature of goods to be purchased, the means of transport, facilities to be involved in processing [...]