900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 27

4,255 samples

Establishment of the rye grass

There are two types of rye grasses: the annual rye grass which is rather slower in the rate of germination and growth, and the perennial rye grass which germinate faster than the annual rye grass [...]

The Wagner Act and Strikes in America

Apart from providing the workers with the essential rights, the Act mitigated the violence that had characterized the previous strikes, for example, and the railroad strikes of 1877, the Homestead strike, and the Ludlow strike [...]

How to write an essay

Based on the thoughts and ideas of Alma Luz Villanueva, an essay is a complex product of the writer's thought which has a central theme and numerous characters and ideas, fighting and competing to produce [...]

Naming Middle East: Outline

Lastly, this paper acknowledges that the social and economic relation between Middle East and the rest of Asia is strong, but this relationship is insufficient to warrant the renaming of Middle East as West Asia.

Security Policies in HATI

Personal opinion on the risks, which HATI faces, is that denial of service; weak authentication of database, privilege abuse, and weak audit trail of all data processes are the significant risks to the organization.

Custom labor relation policy

The board later concluded that indeed the employer had the violated the section of the act by not allowing employees to discuss their sexual harassment complaints among themselves and that he had failed to establish [...]

Market Research in Australia

An exporter from Saudi Arabia, who is planning to sell incense to the Australian market, must first analyze the market conditions of the Australian market. The exporter can market to the population that lives in [...]


The goal in this case will set the agenda for the training events, and will help the company in deciding the topics that should be covered by the training event, and who will carry out [...]

Medical Dilemma

The ethical issues include respect for people's wishes, the need to uphold the policies of the health facilities which they work for, the need to protect and uphold the sanctity of life, the need to [...]

Architecture of Frank Gehry

The color of the limestone was dictated by the match it will bring with the existing building, Deusto University. The building was design in such a way that it looks like a ship, this indeed [...]

The Miller-Urey Experiment and Findings

The researchers note that their experiment was designed to mimic the primitive earth's atmosphere and not the ideal conditions required for the development of amino acids. At the experiment's conclusion, the solution in the flask [...]

Linear Regression of Job Satisfaction

In order to assess the extent to which intrinsic job satisfaction predicts satisfaction with benefits, we can fit the following regression line: where benefits is our dependent variable, represents the constant, or the intercept; represents [...]