900 Word Essay Examples & Topic Ideas. Page 28

4,255 samples

Housing in Georgia: Rising Costs

The median housing selling price in the county is lower than the average in the state of Georgia. The median housing selling price in the county is almost equal to the average selling price in [...]

Modern Dance in the United States

At the beginning of the XX century, American choreographers and dancers contributed to the development of modern dance by adding their ideas and techniques.

Smart Growth and Growth Management

According to Chinitz, expansion management strategies that restrict the rate and structure of an urban population can have both beneficial and unfavorable effects on municipalities and the broader economy.

Six ways of being religious

The central belief of the Confucius is the relationship between man and man. In Daoism the Ultimate Reality is both the creator and the perpetual truth of the universe.

Groups and Teams

Group members may lack a sense of ownership for their jobs unlike members of a team who are fully involved in organizational goal setting and thus they value their jobs as well as their departments.

Reforms to Sex Offender Registry

The purpose of the new system would be to essentially filter registrants on their risk of reoffending, violent crime, or other factors which may endanger the safety or well-being of the public.

JP Morgan Behavioral Finance Case Study

They used momentum stocks to profit from the overconfidence bias and value stocks to profit from the loss aversion bias as their two key investment philosophies. The asset managers in JPMorgan's asset management business were [...]

Forensic Science: Examining Crime Evidence

For a forensic scientist, it is paramount to be able to perform the three main functions: Gathering evidence finding the evidence from the crime scene that might be relevant to the case, and collecting it [...]

Analysis of Poems by Dorothy Parker

For most people reading the works of Parker they always seem to remark that her outlook on relationships is from a dark and cynical point of view and as such most of them would be [...]

The Major Characteristics of Zambia

A total of eight countries are its neighbors; including Angola to the west, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana to the south, Malawi to the east, Tanzania to the north-east, and the Democratic republic of Congo [...]

Acquiring and Retaining Clients

The advertising industry in UK and other markets has experienced a lot of competition in the modern days and a lot of effort is required by the existing firms to acquire and retain clients.

The Global Feedbacks of Greenhouse

In fact, the temperature of the earth is dependent on the atmospheric actions of the greenhouse effects. Temperatures of surfaces and those of the atmosphere respond quickly to variations in the absorption of greenhouse gases.