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Molecular Basis of COVID-19 Virus

The coronavirus genome is as a share member of the Niclovirus order, such as the family Arterividrae and Toro virus genus. It is used to check the spread of the infection and trace those infected [...]

Ethics of Nepotism in Business

Practicing nepotism in an organization from the basic concern is that it brings about the issue of contradiction of the typical customs in employment to hiring and promoting the most qualified and performing candidates for [...]

External Stressors in Adolescents

This danger is predetermined by higher levels of self-consciousness among adolescents and the inability to avoid offense when they feel discomfort because, unlike adults, schoolers have limited options in terms of choosing a social environment.

Patient Communication Skills in Nursing

During the patient interview, these three communication techniques were effective because touch demonstrated non-verbally expressed empathy; probing ensured obtaining extensive and detailed patient history; paraphrasing showed that the nurse has actively listened to the patient.

Antioxidants Description and Overview

There are two species of pomegranate, the Punica granatum, and Punica protopunica.P.granatum originates from Yemen and is believed to be crucial in the ancestry of the present cultivated form of pomegranate.

Women in Policing Overview

I consider that women should have the right to work in law enforcement not only because of the gender equality idea but also because women open up new perspectives in solving public issues, they are [...]

Purchasing Manager Job Description

The purchasing manager requires a fundamental understanding of English, mathematics, management, and administration, as well as the ability to increase customer satisfaction levels and meet quality standards.

Natural Disaster Risks Overview

The Resilinc indicators provide analysis of the riskiness of the locations, such as real-time monitoring of the disruptions, analysis of the multiple risk indicators, assessment of the suppliers in the risky countries, and analysis of [...]

Enterprise and Enterprise Viewpoint

The enterprise view tackles the correlations between users and institutions and the inherent parties' responsibilities towards the conveyance and utilization of the information technology services.

Mobile Health Promotion Unit Project

Goals and objectives for the present project are closely connected to the distinctive characteristics of the MHPU."Hearty Bus" is a non-profit endeavor that needs significant initial investments to buy the vehicle, furnish it with necessary [...]

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions

To assign the proper treatment to the patient, it is necessary to analyze their complaints and symptoms carefully. Other nursing diagnoses can be connected to perceptions, such as disturbed body image related to lesions on [...]

Pollock’s Painting Blue Poles

According to Wolfe, the formation of such a drip-style of the artist was influenced by World War II events. I believe that having evaluated the context in which the picture was created and its significance, [...]