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Health and Safety Legislation and Compliance

The high speed of modern life aimed at improving productivity, intensity, and quality of work lead to the premature ageing of the human body, to the growth of the frequency of psychological and physical diseases, [...]

Expo 2020 as to Impact on UAE Economy

The recent article UAE infrastructure being built for EXPO 2020 to be permanent, published in The National, one of the leading UAE news portals, highlights the statement by the Minister of State and Managing Director [...]

Proactive and Reactive Approaches in Criminology

Thus, it is vital for professionals to utilize both reactive and proactive approaches to streamline investigation and save people. It is also important to mention that fingerprints of military and government employees can also be [...]

“Aurora” by Junot Diaz

Both the dominant role and the level of authority exercised by Yunior's father and his observations of the older boys' attitudes towards the girls share the same set of characteristics and thus can be linked [...]

Problems of Correctional Officers

These perceptions need to be addressed, and the only effective method to develop new visions of this career is the representation of officers' achievements in the media.

Decision-Making Process

The option to stay in the current company, finish my Bachelor's degree, and then go for a Master's degree with the reimbursement from my company is the safest option.

Public Negligence in Crisis Times

This opened a debate about the role of public in managing crisis Above is an example of incidence that happened and victim was left to die while the public was witnessing the murder. The nature [...]

Sustainable and Last Chance Tourism

Sustainable tourism can simply be described as the practice of protecting the environmental aspects and culture of a particular community, while at the same time ensuring the benefits of tourism are enjoyed presently and in [...]

Art Criticism and Its Basic Stages

At this step, the art critic mentions everything he/she knows and understands about the piece of art. The final step is judgment, which entails how the critic thinks of the work.